Tuesday, June 27, 2006

The apathogene development stage develops only, if the accordingly sour environment is given.

The two most important Symbionts are

A) the Mucor Racemosus Fresen and b) the Aspergillus the Niger van Thieghem; in all their stages from the virus to the mushroom. The appropriate bacteria forms of these Cyklod are A) Leptotrichia buccalis Robin and b) Mycobakterium tuberculosis.

In the Chondrit area this as physiological and innocuous, even useful, Symbionten in the blood and fabric of healthy humans live. As soon as the biochemical equilibrium of humans changes however, the Chondrite ascends in the higher phases and/or valences and accepts thereby a pathogen character. This applies to some civilization-dependent diseases. Recovery to lower valences takes place only on sexual way via nuclear fusion with sufficiently existing apathogen Chondriten. This procedure is blocked with ill humans.
Prof.Dr. Enderlein created for this purpose the Chondritpraeparat Chondritin, with which a recovery of the pathogen valences running as nuclear chain reaction is introduced. The Erythrocyte, normal way memory of the resting Symbionts, accepts the so-called Stechapfelform in these cases frequently.

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