Friday, July 28, 2006

The progressive degenerative development can lead the Enderlein to different symptoms

The progressive degenerative development can lead the Enderlein to different symptoms as the “complex of the Endobiosis” designated. All these illness forms against-placed always the largest difficulties to the medical art and resistances.

In addition belong among other things: chronic illnesses, container wall changes, pathological coagulating procedures, Gelosen, Rheumatism, Arthritis, Spondylose, Tonsillitis, Diabetes, Lymphogranulomatose, charge, Tumors of all kinds(also good-like as well as their preliminary states), Anemia, leukemia, bronchitis, Cerebral scleroses, paralyses, allergies etc.

The Endobiont ensures in the high valece form the mushroom, after death to change over for the conversion of the body to dust around thereafter again into the lower valence form of the simple Protites. Now they can be taken up over the drinking water and be occurred in the cv of humans and the mammals.

In the Protit-form is almost indestructible the Endobiont, which the attempts of the researchers Rusch and Santo confirm, bread the pork with 1300°C burned one and afterwards with the ash on a nutritive solution again the original bacteria. Likewise in a Mammoth cadaver, which was found in the arctic and an age of approx. 50,000 years exhibits, Mucor germs was found, which exhibited lives in the changed climacteric conditions after the salvage again. Mucor germs could be likewise isolated in oil as well as in coal, which a clear reference represents on its millions of years old existence.

Which you before the blood investigation to consider have:Optimal test results presuppose soberness, i.e. you should have taken the last light meal the eve of the investigation against 20 °° to itself.Drink a glass quiet water in the morning of the investigation maximally. Do please without a large morning toilet, since creams, soaps, perfume, make-up, etc. the immune system can activate unnecessarily and be obtained thus no optimal test results.

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