Monday, July 10, 2006

renewal is happening as well, which is also being done by the microzymas

Of course, renewal is happening as well, which is also being done by the microzymas, as we'll see. Where illness is concerned, my position is that in an unbalances terrain, fermentative break-down is not only accelerated, but is taken over by morbid evolutions, including bacteria, yeast, fungus and mold. These are the upper development forms of the microzyma, which feed on vital body substances. This results in degenerative disease symptoms. Not only fermentation, but nearly all chemical reactions in the body are done, or controlled, by enzymes.

Enzymes are catalysts-substances that assist chemical processes. They are complex proteins and perhaps the most amazing body substances. They quickly accomplish complex reactions at body temperature that would take days in a lab with very special equipment, or would be impossible altogether. The tricky thing about this, and one reason for the various terms, is the many forms that one organism can assume, and the rapidity with which it can accomplish this.

Furthermore, it may be in several stages at once. To complicate matters even more, there's the possibility that progressive change in human chemistry, especially from our meddling with it, is calling forth forms not previously seen. Even genetic backgrounds by cause variations in something which is so adaptive to conditions. The toxic output of yeast, fungus and mold as a primary disruptive influence in the body. But it is important to remember, it is not the microforms themselves which initiate disease. They only show up because of a compromised terrain. A good analogy is the quotation from Rudolph Virchow: "…mosquitoes seek the stagnant water, but do not cause the pool to become stagnant.

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