Sunday, July 09, 2006

What comes first, the chicken or the egg?

They evolve into microscopic forms (germs) they reflect the disease and produce the symptoms, becoming what Bechamp called "morbidly evolved" microzyma. Again, this occurs due to modification of our terrain by an inverted way of eating and living. Bechamp observed granules linking together and "lengthening into bacteria." However, as noted, their function twofold, and they are poised to recycle the physical body upon death. I describe the microzyma as matter which cannot be created or destroyed and is the precursor to all living organized matter. Now we can answer the question: "What comes first, the chicken or the egg?" The answer is neither: it is the microzyma simply as : "from dust you shall return" (Genesis 3:19). The microzyma is ferment: a living element capable of fermenting sugar. This is a digestive (chemical) process carried on by enzymes (from a Greek word meaning "to ferment"), the directors of chemical reactions. Alcohol is one such product, so there are alcoholic fermentations. There are also lactic fermentations, resulting in the production of lactic acid . This kind of fermentation happens in muscle, creating the fatigue and pain we're all familiar with. Bechamp saw the life process as a continual cellular break-down by microzymian fermentation-even in a healthy body.

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