Wednesday, September 13, 2006

Fibrinogen Strongly Increases the Risk of Cardiac Infarction

©Copyright 2001 by The Enderlein Group
Therapy Extensions According to Enderlein Avoid Dangers
For cardiac infarction, fibrinogen as an early stage of fibrin increases risks more than cholesterol. This information comes as a result of some prospective studies, according to medical statements released by a University Clinic in Duesseldorf at the occasion of a workshop held in Hamburg. One of these studies is the epidemiological Northwick Park Heart Study on 800 men and another is the German Procam Study. According to these examinations, a raised cholesterol content with a low fibrinogen content would not increase the cardiovascular risk.Contrastingly, a high fibrinogen content of the blood creates high blood viscosity and, consequently, the microcirculation gets strongly curtailed, even coming to a standstill. According to the explanations of the speaker, Dr. Matthias Leschke, however, there exists a correlation: the higher the Cholesterol content of the blood, the higher is usually also the content of fibrinogen, as the Framingham Study seems to indicate. A high content in Fibrinogen, along with high systolic blood pressure also appears to raise the risk of cardiac infarction.Prophylactically, a healthy lifestyle and nutrition is recommended, including daily physical exercises. Especially emphasized along this line is a vegetarian food regimen, that is to say, nutrition that avoids animal proteins. Also pointed out are disturbance factors due to long-continued intake of contraceptives, which have proven themselves as a stressful condition for the blood in many cases. Finally triglycerides also are a significant disturbance factor for the blood. They have always played a major role in fat metabolism and its therapy.Unfortunately the Hamburg workshop, when all these statements and references were given, hardly revealed anything about the deeper causes concerning the relevant processes in the blood. Professor Günther Enderlein has published many years ago his research results and proofs concerning these deeper causalities. The incomprehensible ignorance of the ruling medical orthodoxy toward these repeatedly certified facts through decades past has assuredly contributed in a primary way to numerous people not having received causally connected healing treatments by trusting themselves to that medicine.Differing from the conceptions of dogmatic medicine, Professor Enderlein has always seen a damagingly-raised formation of fibrinogen in the blood as a manifestation of the pathogenic Endobiosis, in which the Endobiont has already cyclogenetically reached a developmental stage beyond the Chondrit Stage. He also interpreted fibrin as a high-valenced form of the Chondrit. A relatively small excess of animal proteins for a prolonged period of time in one's nutrition causes an increase in the stress-producing Endobionts; the body tries to protect itself from these through the formation of fibrin. From this result whole varicose syndromes. In any case, let it be clearly known that fibrin formation in the blood is a function within the Endobiosis cycle. This can also be found in the early Isopathic-Homeopathic writings, which emphasize this fact.From this significant knowledge, the therapy according to the prescription of Professor Dr. Enderlein, which we may see as a causally-related healing therapy, is derived. With this healing treatment based on the Endobiosis, which is denied by medical dogmatism to this day, a worthwhile life has already been regained for an immense number of human beings. The Isopathic-Homeopathic preparation PleoMuc constitutes the central healing factor in this treatment, above all other remedies. Experienced biological therapists have long known PleoMuc as a highly effective blood thinner on a biological basis. Generally, PleoMuc can be considered as a basic therapeutic remedy, because many additional disease profiles are based on congestive conditions, which follow subsequent to pathologically raised levels of blood viscosity. A therapy with this Isopathic-Homeopathic preparation, however, does not remove the necessity for discontinuing errors in lifestyle and nutrition for the purpose of lasting success.

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