Wednesday, June 20, 2007

Health Tip: Creating a Healthy Body Image

(HealthDay News) -- Eating disorders can lead to unhealthy eating habits, and in extreme, can trigger a dangerous drop in weight.

Cultivating a healthy body image in your teen can be key to preventing an eating disorder. Here are suggestions, courtesy of the Center for Young Women's Health:

Teach your child to respect herself -- both her physical and non-physical attributes.
Talk to your child about the importance of being herself, and why it's unrealistic to look like models pictured in magazines.
Don't focus on food, calories and weight. Make sure your child doesn't obsess over it either.
Try to teach her the importance of a healthy lifestyle and good nutrition, not dieting.
Make meals a positive experience, and focus on the physical and mental benefits of a healthy diet.
Teach your child not to deal with stress or emotions by using food.

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