Thursday, July 31, 2008


Radio-oncologist, Pittsburgh, PA

All over the world, intense research is going on cancer. The type of research done in the past 30 to 40 years has not led to any satisfactory solutions. Although there are advances in surgical techniques, radiation machines and chemotherapy drugs, the overall outcome still remains poor.

Patients, because of the toxic side effects and expensive medical care, fear cancer treatments. Furthermore there is no guarantee of cure! This has led to renewed interest in study of Alternative Medicine, not only for treatment of cancer but for many chronic diseases where modern medicine has no satisfactory answers. People all over the world are turning to alternative medical sciences like ayurved, homoeopathy, acupuncture, nutrition, herbs, yoga, meditation, energy medicine, mind-body methods etc to find better options for their health care.

On this background, the study of Dr. Rife’s work on cancer is very interesting. Dr. Royal Rife worked in California in 1930s and 40s. He was reported to have cured even advanced cancers with a simple but novel method, which unfortunately was neglected by medical industry at that time. There has been renewed interest in his work, especially in Germany, France, England, Australia and now in America. Before we understand what the Rife Method is all about, it would be helpful to get some facts on cancer. Continue Reading >>

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