Monday, August 04, 2008

Antoine Bechamp

Bechamp was one of France's most prominent and active researchers and biologists. He taught in universities and medical schools, and published widely on cell biology, disease, botany and related subjects. His would probably be a household name today if it wasn't for the activities of one Louis Pasteur, who history has treated very kindly indeed, considering his fake science, his tendency to steal ideas (mainly from Bechamp), falsify experimental data, and in general make claims which had no basis in fact.

I'm not running off at the mouth by saying the above. It's all quite well documented - Bechamp and Pasteur were both members of the French Academy of Sciences, and the papers they submitted, and their correspondance, both to each other and to other people, were all recorded. Even their verbal exchanges survive in the minutes of the meetings.

To cut a long story short, and it is a long story, Pasteur basically dug up the germ theory of disease and put his name on it. It wasn't a new idea, although he claimed to have "discovered" germs all the same. The concept had actually been outlined by other people many years before, but of course, the whole idea is wrong anyway, so it hardly matters who thought of it first. In a few years, the germ theory of disease will out there with the flat earth theory where it belongs.

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