Monday, May 31, 2010

Two of the best and greenest reusable food container brands

Many health-conscious individuals understand the value in preparing healthy food at home for both themselves and their children. Not only is this practice economical, but it provides a superior option to fast food and school lunchroom fare. In response to this growing trend, many companies have begun to spring up that make reusable eating ware.

Plastic bags and containers, which are most commonly used to tote food on-the-go, are now known to leech dangerous chemicals into food. So are there any practical, safe alternatives? In this review, I have evaluated two of the top reusable eating ware brands that are safe, environmentally-friendly, plastic-free and practical.

Eco Ditty Eco Ditty makes sandwich and snack bags that are composed of 100 percent organic cotton. The idea was birthed out of the discovery that the founder's daughter was allergic to PVC plastic and that a suitable alternative was needed. Read more...

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