Thursday, February 04, 2010

New Soluble Fiber for Cholesterol Control?

Nutrim is a food additive that provides soluble fiber, which can help with cholesterol control. The product was originally developed by a chemist at the Agricultural Research Service, an arm of the U.S. Department of Agriculture. It is made from the layer of cells between a grain's seed cover and the germ.

The type of soluble fiber Nutrim provides is beta-glucan, in this case derived from oats and barley. While beta-glucan can help lower cholesterol when it is part of a low-fat diet, its effect is quite modest compared to that of red rice yeast extracts. Red rice yeast (Monascus purpureus) is a source of naturally occurring statins, the same class of compounds used in prescription drugs to lower and control cholesterol. Because red rice yeast extract delivers a mix of those substances rather than a single molecule, it is much less likely to cause the side effects that often occur with the pharmaceutical versions. Read more...

Ayurtox for Body Detoxification

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