Sunday, July 11, 2010

Chokeberry extract helps maintain proper weight

Researchers from the U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA) recently released the results of a study which found that the chokeberry, a Native American fruit also known as Aronia, assists in regulating proper weight and helps balance out blood glucose levels.

Native to eastern North America, chokeberry shrubs typically grow in moist areas like swamps and wet woodlands. They are rich in flavanoids, trace minerals and phenolic phytochemicals, as well as B, E, C vitamins and folic acid.

According to scientists, chokeberries also have very high anthocyanin levels, which means they are rich in powerful antioxidants. Consumption of the fruit induces a powerful protective effect against the damaging consequences of free radicals, which includes serious diseases like obesity and cancer.

Particularly in regards to weight gain, chokeberries illicit a weight balancing effect that prevents the body from accumulating too much stored fat, especially in the abdominal region. Chokeberries also help to level out high blood glucose levels, effectively warding off the onset of diabetes. Read more...

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