Sunday, July 16, 2006

Chronic Diseases, Disturbance Fields and Foci

Dr. Kessler M.D.

"No healing of chronic diseases without elimination of disturbance fields and foci."

This well-known medical principle can be found in the writings of Alexander L. Rossaint and others.Other dentists have also dedicated their lives to the treatment of foci, among them M. Glaser, R. Türk and the physician H.W. Schimmel.

In the 1980s, Prof. Günter Heim and Dr. H. Schimmel at the University of Heidelberg used SEG (Segment Electrography) to develop a systematic representation of disturbance field factors. The currently most widely known definition of disturbance field was coined by Pischinger(1), who wrote that disturbance fields consist of nondegradable material in the soft connective tissue. Computer SEG seems to confirm this.Schimmel provided precise information about his experiences with foci at the Institut für Herddiagnostik [Institute for Focal Diagnostics] in Baden-Baden, Germany (1974-1978).

By the age of 30, approximately 80% of patients in our latitudes have a focus, of which over 80% are head foci (teeth, paranasal sinuses, middle ear, tonsils). The remainders are found in the abdomen and at scars - e.g. chronic adnexitis, chronic cholecystitis, chronic prostatitis, abnormal bacterial flora, etc.

Hunecke verified the significance of scars as disturbance fields when he noted spontaneous cures in disturbed tissue that had been suffused with procaine. This represented the birth of a new healing method, i.e. neural therapy.Schimmel was able to identify and treat foci using primarily his well-known Electroacupuncture filter procedures.

Still, the problem remained, since there are also disturbance zones that cannot be found by filtering the organs with Electroacupuncture, because they are ordinary tissue regions, skin regions, muscle regions or osseous zones. These would be findable with Electroacupuncture only if we had the corresponding resonance ampoules from affected tissue regions. Unfortunately, these do not yet exist.

Paul Nogier, the founder of French ear acupuncture, has demonstrated the presence of foci and disturbance fields everywhere in the body with his pioneering theory and using the polar filter procedure, and integrated it into his treatment process.

Despite this, the procedure was accessible to only a few therapists. This may have been due to the fact there was no optimum, appropriate therapeutic response.Dietrich Klinghardt was the main person to resume working on the problem of disturbance field and focal processes in his neural kinesiology. There could only be therapeutic responses with the aid of kinesiology, even though the problem could not be healed with it in every case.

The increasing significance of biophysics in medicine has motivated the MIP and others. The Massachusetts Institute of Physics is very likely the most important physics institute in the United States. At the end of the 90s, extensive series of experiments were published on the Internet which clearly determined that every organ in the body has its own unique electromagnetic radiation pattern.

Prof. Sharma from Gainesville, Georgia, a physicist at the University of Georgia, ascertained in this context that every organ therefore responds (resonates) to very specific vibrations.Prof. Smith at Salford University in England had previously pointed out, in his work The Electromagnetic Man that a dualism exists between living matter and electromagnetic vibrations. In other words: each organism reacts primarily to its own very specific vibrations.

The claim of the physicist Fritz Popp that the electromagnetic regulatory field of cells represents the very basis of life itself was substantiated by Burr at Yale University in his extensive measurements of plants, fungi, trees, animals and humans.It is thus not surprising then that, in the context of the development of biophysical healing methods, a system has been developed that specifically addresses the phenomenon of "specific waves and the reaction of the body's tissues" - which heralds a breakthrough in modern therapeutics.

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