Sunday, July 23, 2006

Fresh Freshwater Fish is OK

Like tofu, fish is recommended as a transition food from an animal to a vegetarian diet. But, it must be absolutely fresh. If it is not freshly caught, it's already spoiling. Secondly, fish from polluted water is better avoided. The trouble is there's no way for the consumer to determine the facts conveniently, especially with ocean fish. All life came out of the ocean, which contains every element that manifests in life on earth.

All the ocean's natural ingredients are ionized, and ionization is fundamental to life. Therefore, sea vegetables and the fish that eat those sea vegetables have potential benefit. However, because of potential pollution, it is generally better to avoid ocean fish, and under no circumstances eat shellfish. Freshwater fish is great. It is anti-fungal. Fish live in blackish water, which is full of fungus, and couldn't survive if they weren't anti-fungal. However, dried fish has mycotoxins on it.

It is dehydrated in the sun and exposed to air, which invites the presence of fungus. Researchers reported that dried fish was contaminated by the Aspergillus fungus, and contained large amounts of the mycotoxin aflatoxin. It should be recognized that dried fish is generally used to prepare traditional soups, and that the heat-stable mycotoxins in the fish. So-if it's fresh, not ocean fish, and from unpolluted waters, fish in moderation is great. However, remember that it has the same characteristics as all animal food-it is fiberless, acid-forming and mucoid-forming.Water from mountain lakes and streams that come from snow packs has long been known to be the healthiest water in the world called "living water," it transmits healthy magnetic forces from our planet, galaxy and solar system to the organism.

Ideal water is that which is first purified by distillation (evaporation, then condensation) in the Earth's atmosphere. The alternate heating and cooling is said to have the effect of "exercising" the molecules and imparting energy to them. Having been oxygenated naturally in the atmosphere, rainwater then receives energy and life from motion on the Earth. If we had a clean atmosphere, snowmelt water running at higher altitudes would be ideal-very pure and alive with energy. Even as it is, it is probably the best water on the planet.

Many people have the impression that distilled water without minerals dissolved in it is missing something, but this is untrue. Unless minerals are colloidal, inorganic ones dissolved in water are not very available to the body. Some health professionals believe they place an unnecessary burden or body because the amino acid (protein) bond that allow the mineral to be absorbed must be create Minerals in plants are bound (chelated) to or substances and are the best common form, but scarce, as I've suggested. Thus, if you take the minerals (or colloidal ones, which are capable being directly absorbed through the mouth, esophagus and upper stomach), the body is spared a great deal of work. Its energies, enzymes and resource (proteins) are spared for other purposes.

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