Sunday, July 23, 2006

A radiant heat sauna provides the following benefits

My research over the last two years shows that a radiant heat sauna provides the following benefits.-Speeds up metabolic processes of vital organs and glands, including endocrine glands. Inhibits the development of pleomorphic microforms and creates a "fever ' reaction" of rising temperature that neutralizes them.

  • Increases number of leukocytes in the blood.
  • Places demand on the heart to work harder, thus exercising it and also producing a drop in thus exercising it and also producing a drop in diastolic blood pressure (the low side).
  • Stimulates dilation of peripheral blood vessels, thus relieving pain (including muscle pain) and speeding the healing of sprain, strain, bursitis, arthritis, and peripheral vascular disease symptoms.
  • Promotes relaxation, thereby creating a feeling of well-being.

First, he demonstrated that the air is filled with microscopic organisms capable of fermenting any suitable medium on which they happen to land. He showed that the chemical change is carried out by a soluble ferment produced by the organism, and this ferment is analogous to the digestive juices of the stomach. Thus, he identified fermentation as a digestive process. (I would suggest that all decomposition, even the rusting of steel, is mediated by ferments. It is known, for example that bacteria decompose rock into soil. Microrganisms are at or near the foundation of all life and life processes on Earth. For example, fungal forms are indispensable parts of the roots of most plants, including the largest trees.

Accident, that pure chalk from geological deposits at least 11 million years old would liquefy starch and ferment sugar solutions, while man-made chalk would not. After years of work tracking down the cause (fermentation was not understood at the time), he attributed the action to the living remains of organisms long dead. He called this tiny living element a 'microzyma," or small ferment. Thirdly, he claimed that microzymas routinely become forms normally referred to as bacteria, and that bacteria can revert of devolve to the microzymian stage.

(This is the principle of pleomorphism, which is central to understanding the appearance of "infectious" and degenerative disease symptoms in the body.) Fourthly, he explained that atmospheric germs are not fundamental species, but are either microzymas, or their evolutionary forms, set free from their former vegetable or animal habitat by the death of that "medium." Bechamp explained. "The microzyma is at the beginning and end of all organization. It is the fundamental anatomical element whereby the cellules, the tissues, the organs, the whole of an organism are constituted" He referred to microzymas as the builders and destroyers of cells. He always found microzymas remaining after the complete decomposition of a dead organish, and concluded that they are the only non-transitory biological elements. In addition, they carry out the vital function of decomposition, or they are the precursors of beings (bacteria, yeasts and fungi), which do so.

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