Sunday, July 23, 2006

Simple, immediate proof of dependence is the indispensable bacterial population in the human GI tract.

Thus, he clearly presented the idea that the physical life of higher biological forms arises from, is dependent upon, and is recycled by, microscopic beings. Simple, immediate proof of dependence is the indispensable bacterial population in the human GI tract. And it add piquancy to the whole matter to consider that our digestive and metabolic associates are plants. The crucial "catabolic" aspect of microzymian behavior enters the picture when the body becomes diseased, for, according to Bechamp.
It should result therefore that tissue and cellular pathology are in real microzymian pathology. In disease, the cellules have been seen to change, be altered and destroyed, and these facts have been noted. But if the cellule were the vital unit living per se, it would know neither destruction nor death, but only change. If then the cellule can be destroyed and die, while the microzyma can only change, it is because the microzyma is really living per se, and physiologically imperishable, even in its own evolutions, for, physiologically nothing is the prey of death; on the contrary experience daily proves that everything is the prey of life, that is to say, of what can be nourished and can consume.

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