Sunday, July 23, 2006

The price of wakening the immune system, toxifying the body, and possibly setting the stage for degenerative symptoms

The microzymas were too minute to diffentiate with the microscope (even for today's equipment), detail. His brilliance shows again, however. "The naturalist will not be able to distinguish them by uralist will not be able to distinguish them by description, but the chemist and also the physiologist will characterize them by their function.: Having masterful skill in chemistry, he utilized that ability, accompanied by ingenious use of the polarimeter, to draw many of his conclusions. He was led to conclude that an organism's microzymas are unique to it. And are not interchangeable with those of another. He went further to say that even within a single organism, each organ and tissue has functionally unique microzymas, and that, for example, those of the kidney do not belong in the liver.

How much more foolhardy is it then, when vaccinal microzymas are not only from another species, but are already morbidly evolved and are accompanied by preservatives, formaldehyde, and other chemicals? There is no sanity whatever to this practice. The best that can be said about it is that it may prevent, against the odds, the appearance of varying sets of symptoms. But this is at the price of wakening the immune system, toxifying the body, and possibly setting the stage for degenerative symptoms later in life-all the while doing absolutely nothing for, except perhaps worsening, the underlying disease condition.

This is a crucial departure from germ theory. That is, without the predisposition of the microzymas-which condition is engendered purely by a faulty internal environment-the germs of air, or those of other sick bodies, will not produced in a person. In Typhoid fever , in gangrene, in Anthrax, the existence has been proved of bacteria in tissue and in the blood, and one was very much disposed to take them for granted as cases of ordinary parasitism.

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