Monday, July 24, 2006


The species specific understanding of, and difference between bacterial phase and fungal phase developments in blood pictures.

©Copyright 1997 by Michael Coyle, Petaluma, California, USA(Explore Issue: Volume 8, Number 3)
Diseases of the skin, digestive organs, urogenitary tract, mouth, etc. are caused by the multiplication and spread of fungal microorganisms known as mycelia. Mycoses (fungal infections) range in degree from unnoticed to fatal. They are directly related to asthma and allergic alveolitis reactions. They are dealt with by the immune system and competition from other microbes or earlier developmental phases of their own cyclogeny.
Fungal infections can be classified as;
Superficial -- those that effect hair, skin, nostrils, genitals, and oral mucosa
Subcutaneous -- those which occur beneath the skin
Deep -- those which effect the internal organs, lungs, liver, bones, lymph, brain, heart, and urinary tract
These infections often occur in those on long-term antibiotic therapies, corticosteroids, and immunosuppressant drugs. This type of opportunistic infection is common in those with the acquired immunodeficiency syndrome, commonly known as AIDS, and also CFIDS (chronic fatigue syndrome).
Some of these fungal forms are received from the environment, are transmitted sexually, or are transmitted through mother's milk (Candida albicans). Candida remains in non-virulent phases of development until the terrain allows for its progression into more complex pathogenic forms. The efficacy of many of the SANUM fungal remedies is based on the sexual activity of the particular species of microorganisms (and/or the benign effect altogether, through competition, on the terrain) which is initiated through the process of reinstalling the microbial flora in the body in it's apathogenic earlier phases of development. The flora that was installed then copulates with the pathogenic variety and shares the sexual information of the earlier phases, which, all things being equal (terrain modulation, removal of stressors, proper diet, lifestyle, etc.) causes the pathogenic form to convert or be reduced to the apathogenic variety. It is believed that the pathogens are also reduced in valence through the actual activity of the copulatory process.
The main causes of pathogenic albicans overgrowth are indiscriminate antibiotic application and dental inclusions from mercury tooth amalgams. Other factors include addictions to coffee, chocolate, drugs, unsafe sexual pratices, immuncompromisation, stress, chemicals, radiation, improper diet, etc.
The fungal overgrowth occurs because its natural competitors have been removed, in the case of antibiotic usage. In the case of dental amalgams or metals, it is due to decreased immunity from immunocompromisation. The candida also adsorbs the mercury in the gut, thereby serving the function of keeping it from moving deeper in the system, to some degree. A good inclusion in a program of remedies for alleviation of mercury toxicity in the nervous system and brain is broken cell wall chlorella, because not only is it similar to the fungus in that it adsorbs the mercury, but also carries it away.

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