Monday, July 24, 2006

Primitive bacterial variants and cell wall deficient fungal species

Primitive bacterial variants and cell wall deficient fungal species
I begin this section with a quote from "Cell Wall Deficient Forms: Stealth Pathogens" by Lida Mattman.

"Wall-deficient bacteria are called fungoidal as they produce yeast-like (emphasis added) budding spheres or simulate molds with elongated branching threads. (See chondrothecit and free chondrit plates, respectively). How, then, does one solve the dilemma of recognizing a wall-deficient fungus ? One can start with the vital activity in a fungal filtrate of Candida Albicans where the tiny 0.15-µm particles cannot possibly possess the wide hard wall of the parent.

Colonies developing are usually comprised of twisted Gram-negative skeins so delicate that their course is interrupted by submicroscopic gaps. These fine threads of growth have never been described as part of the classic growth of fungi. (Emphasis added where bolded)."
The above description corroborates the findings of Dr. Günther Enderlein when he described such coccoidal manifestations as being either primitive bacterial variants or the most primitive mycelian strands.

Species of microorganisms which exhibit fungal variants in tissue (in vivo) are only microscopically visible in the blood as the most elementary and minute primitive spore forms, ranging in size up from approximately 0.15 microns. The notion that anyone is viewing fungus balls in phase contrast or darkfield is technically a complete misconception, as the forms which are being regarded as fungal developments are appearing in an alkaline milieu in the blood which will not support the fungal stages of development. This is not to say that the microorganisms may not be a species that can represent fungal developments elsewhere in the body.

But this species specificity is indeterminable by viewing the fresh live blood, as there is not a way to distinguish which species is being viewed without culturing it out through the use of a medium, or by aging or heating the sample, under some conditions. This process changes the phase of development into phases that do not appear, again, in the alkaline milieu of the blood. The forms that are being viewed (and mistaken for fungus stage) are actually colloid thecits, thrombocytes, chondrits, ascits, synascits, and mychits, all of which are part of the bacterial phase of development, which develops in an alkaline milieu.

Also, the cell wall deficient forms, chondrits which are symplastic, are mistaken for fungal appearances. These chondrits do represent a fermentative process, but not at the level of a fungal appearance. They are even an earlier stage appearance than the most primitive cell wall mediated bacterial variants. The species, again, are unspecified upon appearance, as they are the same common stages that appear in many species of microorganism developmental cycles.

©Copyright 1997 by Michael Coyle, Petaluma, California, USA(Explore Issue: Volume 8, Number 3)

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