Monday, July 17, 2006

If reduced absorption continues for a long enough period of time., a degree of starvation sets in.

If reduced absorption continues for a long enough period of time., a degree of starvation sets in. Lean body mass is lost and all bodily processes are wakened. There are those who believe that parasites are the root of all evil in ill health. This view is questionable at best, and parasites are being blamed for someone else's dirty work. There is no doubt they cause difficult, but they are secondary to Y/F in terrain imbalance. As just stated, they appear where the garbage is, but they are not indigenous to the being as are Y/F, and are therefore not as fundamental an issue. Clean the bowel, nourish the body, balance terrain pH and devolve Y/F -there will simply be no place for worms, flukes or other parasites to live.

Overweight conditions are also created by excessive nutritional deficiencies, but mostly by the mycotoxic condition of the blood supply directly poisoned by leaks in the lower bowel goes to the liver. The liver is the primary organ for detoxifying the body, but it also controls fat and sugar metabolism. Constant mycotoxic stress weakens this organ so it can no longer control fat and sugar metabolism efficiently Another cause of added weight is production in the liver of large amounts of LDL cholesterol to bind toxins. Resulting complexes will usually be deposited in tissues when elimination is impaired.

As far as algae are concerned, and specifically Klamath Lake blue-green algae, even though these low forms of plant life are high in chlorophyll, protein, minerals and other nutrients, they are a negative because they thrive in acid conditions and make up the scum you see growing on the surface of stagnant ponds and lakes. Nutritionally, a day's dose of algae differs little form a serving of organic broccoli. Algae supplements do contain vitamin B-12, I'd rather take care of them and not get my B-12 from bird droppings.

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