Tuesday, July 11, 2006

Leukaemia “only” a lack of amino acids and rare minerals?

In experimental studies of many years with Methylcholanthren induced chlorine granny leukemia’s with thousands of rats found Tallberg out the code, which should back-transform leukemia cells into natural white blood cells. Complex ones from amino acids with trace element salts seem to form metabolic codes, which special cell surface molecules arrange to the physiological Transcription. The code with leukemia rats was alanine, the branch chain amino acids Leucin, Isoleucin and Valin and the minerals chrome and manganese. 50% of the animals fed thereby survived (p= <0,001) (14), however it was frightening that the rats feed it with Methionin and Cystein died all together! Obvious thus Methionin is to be rated as growth factor for leukemia cells, so that one may order no SH-contains food with leukemia-gotten sick at least in the first half-year of the illness consequently also as for instance red meat.

Kidney cell carcinoma

With its won realizations began in such a way Tallberg in the earlier seventies pilot studies with patient with Hypernephrom and malignant Melanom Malignomes thus with a very bad chance of survival of approximately one year.The celladjusting components identified as the L-amino acids alanine, arginin, asparagine, Lysin and Serin and essential trace elements as biologically active ions such as chrome, molybdenum, selenium, tin (Stannium), vanadium and manganese. Center of the 1970th years followed then a clinical study, into which 127 patients with metastatic metastatic hypernephroma were included (17). After ten years therapy was significantly for the 71 patients, who were submitted of a bio immune therapy, better the result than the 56 of the control's group with the optimum conventional therapy (fig. 3). In the tenth year the statistic survival rate of the bio Immune therapies amounted to already 47.2 months versus 18.6 months in the control's group (p= < 0.001). Some patients survived meanwhile 20 years (18), the longest After fellow up time of a amount to over 300 months.

Malignant Melanom
At the beginning of the 1970er years began Tallberg Melanom patients also successfully to treat (19), whose prognosis was very bad and survived from those with the exception of three patients now everything over 300 months (18). From the twelve treated patients died the three mentioned after a middle survival period of 60 months (fig. 4).Tallberg communicated to me in January 2005 that he would have had to use the bio immune therapy at first up to the three-way higher one of the given quantities, which he recommends now with gotten sick one more heavily. A prospective randomized study with 103 (51/52) patients with cutaneous and juvenile Melanom followed (Abb.5) with convincing result for the bio immune therapy (p = < 0.0015), in a further study with juvenile Melanom (20) similarly good results was obtained (p = <0,001). Important it is to be known that the deceased of the Verumgroups were usually Therapies quitter, because they meant to have to take after years of the bio immune therapy nothing more.
Summary from “bio immune therapy Dr. med. Martin Landenberger 08.2005”

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