Sunday, August 13, 2006

Spenglersoma therapy

A new welfare chance with allergies, sleep disturbances and Tinnitus represents the therapy with the micro-biological means “Spenglersan”, justified by it, after realizations of Franz Kliemchen made of Baden-Baden, which is laid on on certain zones at the body.

Self-treatment is possible.

Hay cold, sounds harmless. It is however a serious illness. Medically for it different terms are used like Pollinose, allergische Rhinitis or Pollenrhinopathie. In principle the hay cold belongs to the allergischen illnesses.

The annoying cold, which continues at the beginning of only a few weeks, can transform into an all-season continuous cold. The inflammations of the provoked nose mucous membrane can expand on the nose beside caves or the tympanic cavity.

Chronic headache, hearing damages and a general attenuation of the immune defense can be the result. Untreatedly the allergische Rhinitis and/or the hay cold can be even forerunners of illnesses of the lung.

We understand the changed reaction type of the body by allergy on a substance. Therefore a allergische reaction is always also a immune-biological reaction.

An antigen anti-body reaction causes thereby the release of histamine, Serotonin and the Kinine. This leads to a container extension and a liquid withdrawal into the fabric.

Thus a swelling develops. The activity of the glands becomes additional lively.

Typical signs are: Flow cold with strong, aqueous liquid formation, a clogged nose by the swollen mucous membrane, violent, frequent sneezing attacks.

Often also the eyes with concerned are by flow of tears, burning and itching, luminous sensivity and turning red. Also headache, tiredness and attraction barness are to be observed.

Trips of these allergischen reactions are above all bloom polling, in addition, Tierhaare, mold fungi, house dust, food and medicines.

Can be helped to this Allergikern now according to welfare practical man Franz Kliemchen, which leads a welfare practice for 25 years, with a micro-biological immune modulator (Spenglersan colloid K) effectively and side effect-free, if approx. four weeks before beginning of the polling season with the treatment one begins.

With hay cold already existing the combination can bring additional easement to colloid G with Spengerlas, since thereby the inflammatory changes in the nose mucous membrane are improved.

The Spenglersan colloid K already activates the immune system after unique application. With a study a significant rise of the CD4 aid cells in the peripheral blood was determined.

Since with the Spenglersan colloids to the active also a passive Immunisierung takes place at the same time, the symptoms do not only become, but also the causes of the illnesses fights. It understands itself automatically that this therapy with self-blood treatment,

Akupunktur, Kinesiologie, bio resonance method etc. can be supported. Since it concerns with the hay cold a chronic symptomatology, additionally still 3-5 drops Spenglersan colloid T should be rubbed in for each third day.

This colloid, which has itself first, which by Dr. med. Carl Spengler was developed, proven with all chronic illnesses. It has among other things a strong effect on the Bronchial and lung system.
Spenglersan with blood high pressure, liver Galle problems and easy depressions.

Spenglersan colloid K does not however only have on the allergischen form circle an amazing effect, but it works also spasmoytisch, blood circulation-promoting and can be used both with hypertonia and with the Hypotonie.
During hypotonischen crises or collapse writing beginning it works in few minutes. Therefore it is preventively given to invasiven working methods in Kliemchens practice often forwards.
The effect of Spenglersan colloid K on the liver Galle system was described in many work.

That is perhaps also the reason, why it possesses so an amazing effect with easy depressions.

The Spenglersoma therapy - an advancementIn the course of its research of many years with the Spenglersan colloids Franz Kliemchen made the discovery that as a result of the employment of these means on certain zones at the body perfectly new therapy possibilities arise, which do not only affect the physical ranges but also on the mental-mental ranges.

That means, one lays the individual Spenglersan on of colloids not only into the Ellenbeuge or on the belly skin, but on specific Akupunkturpunkte, special points, Head zones etc.

Franz Kliemchen: “The Spenglersoma therapy can be erlenren easily in a daily seminar.

It works even when otherwise with difficulty therapierbaren illnesses with an amazing success ratio. In addition is outstanding suitable this by me developed therapy for the self-treatment, it can without devices and thus without high costs be accomplished. This concerns a modified form of the Spenglersan therapy.”

Spenglersan with sleep disturbancesSpenglersan K worked satisfactorily in the Spenglersoma therapy with sleep disturbances, if one before exactly investigated the cause of sleep disturbances. It is important whether it e.g. concerns around organic causes like cardiovascular diseases, cerebrale blood circulation disturbances, Schnarchen, disturbance of the lung function or chronic pain conditions.
Also outside causes can be like noise disturbance, meteorological and climatic influences, disturbed Mikroklima (too cold, too warm or to bright sleep area) and irregular sleep times.

Often also psychiatric disturbances, all are in front depressions, fear and psychotische illnesses the cause for sleep disturbances. To underestimate are not pharmakogene causes, for example Koffein, nicotine or medicines like drive-increasing antidepressives, Cortisonpräparate and b-blockers.
None of these causes - and applies to of 30 to 40 per cent all patients - is is the reasons most frequently within the psychological range or within the range of the internal biological clock and in the synchronisation mechanism (Melatonin) to be searched.

If one includes these causes stated in short form also into its therapy, one becomes in the Spenglersoma therapy with sleep disturbances 3 time daily per 5 drops Spenglersan colloid K on the basis of the DE 23 (situation: rub at the Unterrand of the yoke elbow) around the ear, 1 in to 2 cm below the right and left Mastoids. As auxiliary medication high-dose Johanniskraut worked satisfactorily and in the evening a high-dose valerian excerpt.

Spenglersan with TinnitusAlso with the Tinnitus one, so the bathe Badener welfare practical man, always as auxiliary therapy of Spenglersan colloid K, should think also in combination with Spenglersan colloid T. presupposed, the Tinnitus not by a stove happening (frequent within the tooth Kiefer range) is affected and the beginning of the Erkankung is not past not all too for a long time. Since the Spenglersan colloids, as it could show Klopp in its investigations, have a strong positive influence on the micro circulation, Kliemchen the employment of these medicines is always indicated according to welfare practical man.

Experienced Spenglersan therapists let the Spenglersan colloid K rub in simultaneous with the Tinnitus not only into the Ellenbeuge, but also at the Mastoid. If the suspicion on a stove happening should be present, then the Spenglersan of colloids D and Dx stands for order to the diagnostic identification, with which a stove happening can be located.

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