Sunday, August 27, 2006

Suggestion for a standardized blood acceptance

In the vacation I thus some through the head go let which the standardization of the blood tests in the dark field vital blood diagnostics concerns oneself.I proceeded from the quantity of the vital blood and laying one on cover glass and slide with and the same height. Through experiments I came then on the ideal “head” of the cover glass on the carrier. Those are 0,8 millimeters. Also the quantity of the blood drop property I with 0,5µl determines. The drop is to be functioned largely enough over without edge conclusion.

Around the quantity to determine I use an a mark capillary pipette (5µl) from which I if she is fully filled approx. 1µl on the cover glass discharges. The negative pressure in the stamp pulls the cover glass downward and forms it easily concave. To the center I give then the half micro liter to blood. Then I turn the stamp and place him on the slide. By evacuation of the vacuum the panel falls on the carrier.

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