Sunday, August 27, 2006

Which one should consider before the investigation!

Information for patients
I must come myself quite often miracles if patients to me, who were already once for dark field investigation and report me of it.
They could be examined at noon beautifully eaten (at the best still another English roasted steak) and then against 15°°. Where did these people (therapists) learn their tool? There are so good books from Enderlein, Dumrese/Haefeli, Arnoul, Häring.

A seminar with a “Expert” harms also nothing.

Which you should consider before the blood investigation:
Optimal test results presuppose soberness, i.e. you should have taken the last light meal the eve of the investigation against 20 °° to itself.
Drink a glass quiet water in the morning of the investigation maximally. Do please without a large morning toilet, since creams, soaps, perfume, make-up, etc. the immune system can activate unnecessarily and be obtained thus no optimal test results.

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