Tuesday, September 02, 2008

Günther Enderlein - The Father of the Pleomorphism

Günther Enderlein (1872-1968) of Germany is the researcher who will forever be inseparable from pleomorphism, isopathy and homeopathy.

Dr. Enderlein built upon the research of Antoine Béchamp and proved that blood is not sterile, and that a microorganism can appear in various developmental stages and in diverse forms, without the loss of its specific characteristics.

Through intensive research, Dr. Enderlein came to the conclusion that the monomorphistic perspective of disease conditions favored by Dr. Louis Pasteur and others could no longer be maintained, and that a pleomorphic perspective more accurately reflected the disease process.

Dr. Enderlein discovered in 1916 that primitive microorganic forms prepared in a remedy, when combined with a change in the biological terrain (or milieu) of the body, can cause virulent forms to return to their original avirulent condition, bringing healing to the host body.

He found that when the tiniest, mobile living forms of bacteria, which he called “spermits,” exchanged genetic material with higher developmental organisms, the highly developed organisms became suddenly invisible, having been broken down to their primitive, avirulent forms. Using this knowledge, he developed homeopathic and isopathic remedies from fungal cultures. When these living remedies contact virulent microbial masses, the masses are induced to return to their avirulent form, and then leave the body through the natural organs of elimination. Continue Reading >>

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