Friday, July 14, 2006

If you cannot digest and assimilate food, the tissues will eventually starve, making you fell sick and tired.

If you cannot digest and assimilate food, the tissues will eventually starve, making you fell sick and tired. Acetaldehyde and other mycotoxins reduce the absorption of protein and minerals, which decreases the ability to produce enzymes and hormones. To make matters worse, the Y/F overgrowth is swapping its wastes for your hormones, blood sugar and other nutrients.

Consequently, you are always hungry and/or have rapid drops in blood sugar (glucose) levels. Such disruption interferes with cell replacement and with substances necessary for energy production. The result is fatigue , poor endurance, and weakness. Thus, Y/F are the major players in Chronic fatigue syndrome , not the so called Epstein-Barr "non-virus." This syndrome may also involve damage to nerve tissue by Y/F, and/or interference with nerve transmission by toxic breakdown of neurotransmitters by acetaldehyde.

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