Wednesday, August 02, 2006

The Importance of Internal Milieu

Biological medicine’s treatment of internal milieu is based on the discoveries of Guenther Enderlein, a German microbiologist who spent almost 60 years studying the structures and pleomorphic processes of live blood. Enderlein confirmed many of the findings of Antoine Bechamp, a contemporary of Louis Pasteur who argued against Pasteur’s 1870 thesis that bacteria and other microbes only have one form (monomorphism).

In his experiments Bechamp showed that microbes could and do change form (pleomorphism). Enderlein’s work confirmed Bechamp’s findings and advanced several other key concepts that were included in his book, The Life Cycle of Bacteria (1925).

Aside from advancing the theory of pleomorphism, Enderlein showed that the cell is not the primary living unit in the body, but rather that there are virus-sized, protein-based microbes (the “protits” or “symbionts”) that live symbiotically within the body.

They reside in all the cells, in the body fluids, and between the cells (the “interstitial space”) and help facilitate growth and repair of cells. These symbionts are ancient structures that probably evolved along with all mammals, including man, millions of years ago.

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