Wednesday, August 02, 2006

The revolutionary aspects of Enderlein’s work

The revolutionary aspects of Enderlein’s work revealed that when the cellular terrain becomes more toxic and acidic, these symbionts upgrade to a higher pathogenic “valence” (larger in size) form that is able to infect blood cells and destroy surrounding tissue.

These changed forms continue to upgrade into increasingly pathogenic bacteria, fungi, and viruses, whose presence further contributes to the deterioration of the cellular terrain by making it even more toxic. Eventually this process leads to a paralysis of cellular metabolism, premature cellular aging, degeneration, and death.

One of the most fascinating theories to emerge from this work was that of Dr. Royal R. Rife who postulated that there are actually only about 10 different basic microbes, all the rest being “pleomorphic variations” caused by their changed cellular environments.

The common E. coli becomes the virulent BX bacterium that can be isolated from cancerous tumors. By making the cellular terrain even more toxic, antibiotics may not be killing the bacteria but causing them to change into deadlier forms, forms that are implicated in the development of cancer.

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