Wednesday, August 02, 2006

Microbes can and do revert to their primitive, symbiotic state

Luckily, these upgraded microbes can and do revert to their primitive, symbiotic state if the terrain becomes less toxic and regains its pH balance.

Enderlein developed special biological remedies to facilitate this “downgrading” process, whereby the harmful forms of the microbes revert back to their benign protein states. Instead of using antibiotics and other drugs with harmful side effects, Enderlein’s remedies (isopathics) stimulate the body’s immune system and promote self-healing.

This therapy, along with decreased intake of animal protein, supplementation with nutrient elements (such as minerals, unsaturated fatty acids, and vitamins, and the reintroduction of beneficial intestinal flora), helps bring back the internal milieu to its proper state. Having become reactive again, the patient is then in a much better state to receive energetic medications, such as homeopathic or naturopathic remedies.

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