Wednesday, September 06, 2006

The Nature of the Biological Uniformity of the Bipolar Structure of all Chronic Diseases

By Professor Günther Enderlein, Aumühle/Hamburg Member of the Society for Freedom in Science at Oxford
"Who thinks he found it all aloneis dumber than the lowly stone."- J.W. von GoetheWhen, twenty millennia ago, the ancient Indians carried out the healing of all the chronic diseases - including cancer and tuberculosis - with the urine of the holy, beneficial cattle, this was not a forced illusion dictated by "slogans"; rather, it was (already) a tremendous insight, related in its basic features to natural instinct, whose origin arose from a purposeful activity of the most profound regions of the human brain, which - in the course of even more uncounted millennia before these primeval times - had ascended to this culmination of such logically substantiated actions; this stands head and shoulders above the "slogan dictatorship" of all subsequent (and presumably terminal) Epigones who, since Hippocrates (i.e. in the last 25 centuries, within the time-span of geological periods), have managed to reduce a full panoply of human-culture achievements right down to nothing. For these measures of those primeval cultures accord perfectly with the requirement of an individual researcher with cosmic mental ability right up at the edge of the sudden drop in defensive and mental ability against the bipolar primeval foe from the time of the very origin of all vertebrates, who said: "In order to really be able to heal the sick, one must restore what has been lost." In order words, a replacement of the missing part(s)! This man is the pharmacist Oesterlen, in his Handbuch der Arzneimittellehre [Pharmaceutical Handbook] 7th Ed. 1861, p. 3. And what substances are these, that had already been replaced at that time? Well, domesticated cattle, severely burdened with the Endobiont, the most fearsome part of the bipolar parasite structure - if nothing else, simply leukopathy, whose biologically/parasitologically oriented position in humans between cancer, Hodgkin's disease and Felty's syndrome has been established on the basis of my more thorough blood analysis - use up, as "vegetarian raw-food eaters", unheard-of defensive forces in order to keep at bay the threat to their existence from these primordial parasites. And the decomposition products - that freely leave the host body via the skin, bronchia, intestines and kidneys, since they are no longer interesting parasitically - are, in cattle too, apathogenic primitive phases of the Endobiont (Mucor racemosus Fresen), accordingly the lowest-valence Chondrit stages, as well as the following ultimate primitive forms of life, namely the colloids. These metabolites in turn represent precisely those forms that the endobiontically ailing vertebrate had lost in its illness as a result of being fattened up by being overfed with plant or - infinitely worse, animal - protein. It is exactly these factors that, in the endless eras of defensive struggling against this most fearsome permanent parasite of all vertebrates and man, symbolize the successes of the symbiotic achievement of this defensive struggle, since purely apathogenic functions were forced upon them by just this defensive struggle; for this reason, I gave them the name Regulators. From these four excretion possibilities, the Indians chose the urine of the holy, beneficial cattle. This urine therapy made its way to Europe during Medieval times, and has maintained itself down to the present - despite being relegated to the factors of the so-called "fecal pharmacists" - in part also as autologous urine therapy. Despite the fact that this seems completely justified by the stock of living colloids and very primitive Chondrit stages - and could perhaps even be rounded out by hitherto unknown factors - the therapy, using individually-shipped quantities of living colloids and very primitive Chondrits (in purest form) is, without a doubt, at the least considerably more hygienic. It is definitely understandable if the root cause of the chronic disease complex of the primordial parasite is shifted from a bipolar orientation of Endobiont (Mucor racemosus Fresen) and tuberculosis initiator in the primordial cultures' natural knowledge, over to dietary intake. If the objection is raised from the medical camp that the isopathy of the ancient Babylonians is out of the question for microbe-based diseases, since they had no microscopes, then the reply for the Endobiont itself can be that these important developmental phases of the Endobiont indeed are not visible in the microscope to this day. Vitamins deficiency is also not a causal, but rather at most a conditional factor. And then, when later Bircher-Brenner claims a special sensitivity to dietary toxins of the capillary region in the human body as a cause of chronic diseases, this is also merely a consequence of conditional factors that do not connect up with the root causes - since the root causes are and remain the two bipolarly-oriented and structured primordial parasites. After all, the so-called paracoli bacteria in the intestines are by no means degenerate coli bacteria, but rather bacilli from the Endobiont's metabolites, that form quite normally, even without treatment with living Chondritins, capable of probaenogenetic upward development in the intestinal tract, especially in cancer cases etc., from colloids and the most primitive Chondrit stages on up to the Phytit stage. As bacilli, these Endobiont Phytits are strikingly similar to the coli bacterium. Likewise, dystrophy is just a very small part of the conditional causes, since the primary conditional causes are essentially based in overfeeding with vegetable and animal proteins. Less in the over 1000 cancerogenic factors. Likewise, constitution plays a merely subordinate role, since the greater part of it is lost in the consequences (sequelae) of parasite overfeeding. This is very much the case for the tuberculosis portion of the bipolar structure of the primordial parasite, where also dystrophy is by no means a nonspecific basis and tuberculosis yields no sequelae - as Robert Koch and Edmund Ingber (Buenos Aires) maintain - but rather consequences of the primordial parasite's long-term parasitism, and in fact of the overfeeding of both primordial parasites. (Cf. E. Ingber: "Tuberkulose und Lebensordnung" [Tuberculosis and Lifestyle] in: Diaita, 1st year Vol. 1 1955, pp. 11Ð15.) All of these are the grotesque consequences of "monomorphism/monomorphology" slogans which are the basis for the inaccessibility of the essential nature of the chronic disease complex.
Here is a compilation of some of these "slogan factors":
1. The paracoli bacterium is not a degenerate coli bacterium, but rather the Phytit stage of the Endobiont.
2. The root cause of the infectiousness of filtrates of tubercular material is the tubercle bacillus' Chondrit stage; this was determined back in 1910 by Fontes of Brazil (Cf. Mem. Institut. Oswaldo Cruz, 1, 2, 1910, p. 186).
3. Furthermore, H. Dostal demonstrated the easy transportability of the tubercle bacillus in its coccal form (Basit stage) in liquid-nutrient cultures (cf. Wien. Medizin. Wochenschr. [Viennese Medical Weekly], 60th Year 1910, pp. 2098Ð2100, and 63rd Year 1913).
4. Fibrin is by no means a "protein coagulation" precipitate, but rather the Chondrit dendroid of the Endobiont.
5. Thrombocytes are not blood organelles (platelets); they are Thecits of the Endobiont.
6. Megakaryocytes (Metchnikov) are not normal cell components; rather, due to massive infestation with primitive-phase Endobionts, these cells have lost the ability to fission cell or nucleus. These cells have been forgotten in the studied concentration on the focal problem of cleansing in the marrow of all bones.
7. Polynuclear cell is related to the preceding, except that the nucleus is still capable fission, while the cell itself has lost the capability.
8. The megaloblasts of pernicious anemia are not nucleated erythrocytes, but rather erythrocytes having internal colonies of abnormally distended Endobiont Chondrits (pseudo-nucleus!).
9. Normoblasts, erythrocytes originating in bone marrow, have no nucleus, only a pseudo-nucleus consisting of an Endobiont Chondrit colony.
10. Macrocytes are abnormally enlarged erythrocytes with no pseudo-nucleus, whose enlargement is likewise due to massive infestation by the Chondrit stage of the Endobiont.
11. Peripheral granules of the erythrocytes are not organelles (Schilling), but rather Symprotits of the Endobiont.
12. Peripheral rods of the erythrocytes are not organelles (Schilling), but rather bacterial rods of the bacterial phase of the Endobiont that have developed out of the aforementioned peripheral granules. Later on, they break free and crawl about on the erythrocytes and leukocytes like inchworms (hence the designation "wormlets" by Health Officer Dr. Otto Schmidt of Munich).
13. Also, the globucellular and spindle-cell sarcomas contain no host globular or spindle cells; instead, these represent cross-sectioned (globular) cells and diagonally longitudinally-sectioned (spindle) cells from the mycelia of the Endobiont.
14. Reticulocytes (Heilmeyer) are not erythrocytes with special organelles, but erythrocytes internally infested with Endobiont Chondrit trees.
15. Leukocyte pseudopodia formation (dendrites) (after Bond, London 1924: The Leukocyte in Health and Disease, H. K. Lewis & Co.) actually represents Chondrit dendroids of the Endobiont - also identified as "fibrin" by the standard doctrine!
16. The sterility of human blood (in centrifugate and in filtrate). This doctrinal illusion actually represents a massive infestation of all blood elements of all vertebrates (including man) - even the healthiest - with primitive phases of the Endobiont, which infestation develops probaenogenetically on up to the bacterial and even fungal phases as a disease progresses.
17. The sterility of blood serum = the doctrinal illusion as to the contents of the serum as well in the most varied primitive phases of the Endobiont.
18. Diapedesis = the doctrinal illusion concerning the seizure of all protein reserves in the human body by the Endobiont immediately after death, and their formation into "fibrin".
19. The Culminante of the fungal form (Mucor racemosus Fresen) of the Endobiont is easy to obtain by culturing from tumors, as Health Officer Dr. Otto Schmidt of Munich demonstrated as far back as 1903 (and subsequently), and which I have been able to confirm personally.
20. The calcareous coats of the tubercular foci in the lungs are not host defensive processes, but rather manifestations of calcinosis, of the misdirected efforts of the parasite to protect itself from the defensive reactions of human blood.
And added to all this is the awareness, up through Hippocrates, that all the primeval cultures were based from their beginnings on a "true synthesis" of the chronic disease complex - which, although it falsely evaluated the conditional significance of poor diet as causal, nevertheless instinctively traced the unity of the actual root causes to a synthesis pointing to a single disease, namely humoral pathology. But by contrast, after Hippocrates, the illusion of differentiation led to a "pseudo-analysis", i.e. a misinterpretation of a differentiation to a thousand diseases. However, Babylon, Syria and India were able for centuries largely to avoid this mistake, so that the dietary errors that were interpreted as root causal - which of course actually represent conditional causes - they retained as the basis of their viewpoint, as has been maintained in this sense in India to the present, in its purest form among the Hunza tribes in the Karakorum range of northern India. Also, to what extent - coming from an entirely different discipline - is the possibility of a "truly instinctive world-view" taken into account? This from a document from the field of theology: "Now, it is entirely possible that the science of those ancient times already knew some things that our rational science has arrived at by a totally different route. One needs to consider that those ancients obtained their knowledge of the world in a completely different manner; in observing nature, they made use not only of pure reason, but also (in a certain sense) 'contemplative observation'. They were thus in possession of a sensory apparatus and had at their disposal meditative options that were perhaps superior in certain respects to our hyper-rational intellect." (Prof. D. Gerhard von Rad: "Die biblische Schöpfungsgeschichte" [The Biblical Story of Creation]. In: Schöpfungsglaube und Evolutionstheorie [Creationism and Evolutionary Theory]. 1955, p. 36. Alfred Kröner Verlag, Stuttgart.) Now, the unadulterated, unspoiled and slogan-free primeval instincts - as presented to us in the surviving ancient documents - have turned out to be superior in certain such aspects. But that, right down to the present day, the error of a lack of cosmic orientation in biological and comparative-morphological considerations still exists, inasmuch as a descent to the inmost basis of life is neglected when dealing with issues which necessitate a holistic viewpoint, is demonstrated in turn by the research into the "secrets of the germ cell" at the Max Planck Institute in Voldagsen/Hanover. On the basis of the involvement of the cytoplasm of certain plants in the so-called heredity factors, demonstrated by von Wettstein in 1924, who - unlike the genes of the cell nucleus, i.e. the Genome - designated as Plasmone the heredity factors in the cytoplasm. This was followed up by P. Michaelis, to the extent of attempting to find plants in order to make polynuclear crosses with cytoplasm of the other form. And with willow herb from all over the world, after 24 generations (= 24 years) he succeeded, and demonstrated that only the cytoplasm from the maternal cell solely inherits the maternal characteristics. Still, the question as to where in the cytoplasm the germ plasm was to be found could not be observed by this method. But this difficulty is not surprising, since these complications were only observed in isolated hermit cells, and not in highly-potentiated nationalized cellular organizations. Now, this hermit is the Mychit, the primordial cell of the bacteria. This also answers the difficult question, as explained in the article "Das Ende der Herrschaft der Zelle als letzte biologische Einheit" [The End of the Cell's Reign as the Ultimate Biological Unit] (G. Enderlein, in: Archiv für Entwicklungsgeschichte der Bakterien [Archive for the Developmental History of Bacteria], Year I Vol. 2, 2 July 1933, pp. 171Ð179, 5 Illus.) This article confirms, specifically for Microsphaera vaccinae Cohn 1872 (the smallpox pathogen) - through the genesis of the Symprotit to Mychit (the primordial cell) - that the spherical bacterial cell consists of various primitive phases of the microorganism, and hence represents a socialization of these primitive phases. For the very simplest bacterial cell (Mychit), the micrococcal sphere, the nucleus is then the Mych (primordial nucleus) and the plasma the Protitit stage, i.e. the Symprotit (Chondrit stage) and, in the ultimate unit, also the colloid, i.e. the Protit stage. Moreover, the spongiform arrangement is also bound up with it and thus clarified. The so-called "assimilated protein" of the cytoplasm turns out to be an illusion. Thus, one needs to begin at this basal level of phylogeny in order to be able to answer questions of this kind. W. Goethe's cosmic orientation, introduced at the beginning this chapter, also gives us an excellent conclusion for universal questions and issues - particularly, too, for the contrast between holistic knowledge and its collapse for two thousand years to the downfall of humankind of the Epigones: "Microscopes and telescopes actually confuse pure human understanding."J.W. von Goethe, Sprüche in Prosa. Ethisches [Prose Sayings. Ethical]. I, 37

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