Wednesday, August 06, 2008

Biological Terrain Analysis (BTA)

This simple test, Biological Terrain Assessment, or BTA 2000, costs about $150 and analyzes small amounts of blood, urine, and saliva to provide data about the current state of the building blocks of the body - your enzymes, amino acids, molecules, cells, and electrons. When you know how the chemistry of your body Is functioning, you can make lifestyle adjustments that support improvements in health. What is exciting about this particular test is its ability to pick up prepathological changes in the body that predispose one to bacterial and viral infections, as well as many chronic diseases.

BTA is a powerful health screening instrument that provides valuable biochemical information about cellular function and cellular metabolism in the tissues, organs, and systems of the body. This includes such data as oxygen transport, nutrient delivery, waste removal, mineral retention, cellular absorption, and multiple metabolic chemical interactions. Continue Reading >>

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Advanced Body Cleansing Kit

Advanced Body Cleansing Kit

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