Thursday, August 07, 2008

In SANUM therapy, based upon the concept of pleomorphism

In SANUM therapy, based upon the concept of pleomorphism, and working homeopathically and isopathically, doctors evaluate patients from a standpoint of what is affecting a patient’s milieu, and then determine how the individual remedies may be prescribed in respect to the various conditions associated with a disease process. SANUM therapy provides an effective treatment methodology tailored to a patient’s particular needs by identifying and addressing common degenerative patterns.

Manufactured in Germany by SANUM-Kehlbeck GmbH & Co. KG, SANUM remedies have been exclusively distributed in Canada by Biomed since 1995. SANUM remedies represent a comprehensive line of over seventy (70) remedies; each specifically designed to address particular aspects of a patient's internal health. They are available in a variety of dosage forms (i.e. drops, tablets, capsules, suppositories, portable sips, powder) and range of potencies. SANUM Remedies also fall into ten different product categories and there is a comprehensive set of protocols that can be used in administering them.

Sanum Isopathic / Homeopathic have been grouped into the following main categories:

  • Milieu Modulator

  • Isopathic Fungal Remedies

  • Bacterial Remedies

  • Excretion Remedies

  • Botanical Remedies

  • Chelation Remedies

  • Glandular Remedies

  • Sanukehls

  • Polysans

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