Sunday, August 27, 2006

About Pleomorphism

by Dr. med Maria Bleker, Germany © Copyright 1998 Explore Publications, Inc. Republished with their permission.
The team "Enderlein Live" has taken upon itself the task of publishing those central and largely unknown works of Professor Enderlein's which it considers important for an understanding of Enderlein's theoretical concepts. The text which follows was published by Professor Enderlein in 1933, and was intended as a rebuttal to the old thesis of Virchow's, largely held to this day, that "the cell is the smallest biological unit."

With the discovery of the Protits and the precise description of the various development possibilities of these protein nodules, Professor Enderlein created the bases for the interpretation of phenomena which we, now as then, can observe using dark-field microscopy.
This article is also intended to clarify who is entitled to primacy in the discovery of these protein nodules. Certain recent "researchers" have made an unseemly practice of anointing themselves as the discoverers of these Protite and their development stages, simply by baptizing them with a new name, such as Somatid, Spore, etc. It would be not only more logical but also more ethical if they were to dedicate themselves to the interpretation of these phenomena and their immunological significance, rather than persisting in these fraudulent labeling practices. In order to promote a better understanding of the following text of Professor Enderlein's, a glossary has been added following this article which explains the professor's terminological concepts.

The Construction of Chlamydozoit and Morulit from the Chondrit
To this day, the cell is regarded as the ultimate organic unit, out of which all higher organisms are built up. Even Haeckel believed he had found the proto-organism in the one-celled protozoans.When I formulated the concept Symprotit and its sub-unit Protit as the primeval unit of life in the form of a quite homogeneous minuscule kernel as recognized phenomenological forms of bacteria up to the outer limits of visibility, it had been well proven by their reproductive ability that these were living organisms. But all connection was lacking between these subvisible units and the higher forms of the bacteria, to say nothing of a connection to cells, which wasn't even under consideration. For this, long years of study of their living conditions were required - and the necessary culturing experiments which were repeated in endless series over and over again. I chose as my experimental object of study the Microsphaera vaccinae (Cohn 1872), bred from various vaccine lymphs (of which it's quite irrelevant whether or not it is the cause of smallpox, as even the discoverer of this species assumed).What we are dealing with here is a preliminary sketch of a few excerpts from the results of these developmental-historical and comparative-morphological studies; the detailed main publication with numerous illustrations will appear in the indicated venue.

The Microsphaera vaccinae (Cohn 1872) in its typical phenomenological form is a micrococcus usually about 0.5-0.6 µ long, which nevertheless represents a Thecit and not a primary Basit (even though it is a Basit, albeit a pliovalentes one). If one puts the material of a culture of this strain in a hanging drop, then it will very quickly develop (usually beginning after just a few seconds) a mass of Chondriten, usually growing rapidly, especially when the starter material is from an older culture. By culturing material from one of these hanging drops, one can easily create isolated colonies of the Chondritstadiums, but they are only visible after a few days (and with a magnifying glass) as extremely tiny colonies among the large Thecites colonies. However, they can be isolated even sooner by simply swabbing the areas between the large colonies.

Over the years, I have steadily cultured the Thecit in numberless series out of the pure cultures of the Chondritstadiums, so that the total material of Microsphaera vaccinae (Cohn 1872) at my disposal has to a certain extent been complexly filtered. The creation of the Thecites usually takes place over weeks to months, so that a dispersion of individual Theciten, which would grow to large colonies in a single day, is out of the question. Isolated Chondrite quickly grow in hanging drops into entire systems alternating between Symprotit and Filum, as shown here. The Symprotite here can already take on quite varied sizes. Since the Filum is capable of renewed granule formation (Symprotit) at many different locations, one after the other, it is reasonable to conclude that the Filum is a linear arrangement and organization of the final unit, the Protites.

The alternation between the two growth forms of the Chondritstadiums is thus an alternation between a growth form with linear arrangement of the Protite (Filum) and one with three-dimensional arrangement of the same (Symprotite). The diameter of the Filums - about 0.02 µ or even less - is accordingly the diameter of the free Protites. But whereas the Filum - except with dark-field illumination - is usually only visible as it blinks when the mirror is moved, presumably the Protit alone is no longer clearly recognizable; only accumulation gives rise to a pocked surface, which, much like the Filum, is accounted for by the light-diffracting processes. With longer observation periods, one can now and again notice an increase in thickness - which, however, since it is usually irregularly bounded, could be due to the expulsion of individual Protiten. Even in these masses, more robust granules (Symprotite) can be formed here and there.

But the Symprotit, which is based on a three-dimensional union and organization of Protiten, can also excrete these free accumulated Protite. This generally occurs after a few days, and these loose plasma masses cling to the Symprotit in the form of an extremely fine to extended calotte: the plasma coat.The first phase of the socialization of two development stages to a new unit is complete. The Symprotit becomes the parietal nucleus (Mych), the Protitanhäufung becomes the fluid plasma, the plasma coat, and the new unit is the cell-like Mychit. The auxanogene (i.e. multiplicative) development, takes places in the alternation of Mychit and Dimychit; here, with these fission processes, the Filum has lost its mobility during its lengthening growth and has shortened to a filament in the confined space of the fluid plasma, the plasma coat. If yolk masses (reserve materials such as lipids, nucleic acid derivatives, etc.) are stored up in the Mychit, then it is chiefly on the surface of the Mych (nucleus) in the form of Trophosom (or Trophosomelle) and of the filament in the form of Trophode. I have already treated this in more detail for other bacteria (Sitzungsber. Ges. naturf. Fr. [Session reports of the society of friends of natural-science research] Berlin 1931, pp. 87-88 and Arch Entw. Bakt. [Archive for the developmental history of bacteria] I, 1, 1931 pp. 53-104). There is no need here to go into more detail on the further course of Probaenogenie to Phytit, Rhabdit, etc., since it is not relevant to present goals, and since these processes are common to all higher bacteria.It remains only to mention that here, too, in the Microsphaera vaccinae (Cohn 1872), the formation of the spherical or slightly ovoid Cystite (with a Mych or Symmychon), Thecite (with several Mych or Symmycha) and Chondrothecite (with very numerous minuscule Mych, belonging to the Protit or Symprotit) is consummated mostly on Synasciten, but also on Mycasciten, as is usually the case, but in this species, these structures can also be formed freely, which is not otherwise normally true.

It is necessary to interject something at this point. In spite of years of culturing Microsphaera vaccinae (Cohn 1872), it has never been possible for me to achieve the Chlamydozoon Prowazeks, and it was then that I began to entertain serious doubts that this organism could be the smallpox pathogen, at least not in the sense of Paschen, where the fact of infectiousness must derive from filtrates of smallpox material; nonfiltrable forms were now out of the question, which has never, as is known, been interpreted in this form for the tubercle bacillus. On the other hand, the lack of infectiousness of the Microsphaera vaccinae (Cohn 1872) for the generation of a typical smallpox can in no way constitute disproof that this phenomenological form belongs to the smallpox pathogen, since of course the genuine smallpox, transmitted to cattle, normally no longer yields any more typical smallpox organisms, but rather vaccine. Then again, Calmette and his disciples gladly renounce - for the BCG strain, no less - the generation of a typical tuberculosis. We know far too little concerning these biological relationships to be able to deal with them confidently, even though the nucleus size, the Dynamovalenz, is crucially significant in this context. In fact, Guarneri's corpuscles attain larger forms than possible with any artificial breeding, and their extreme infectiousness is well enough known.Now, the blood of smallpox patients - as also that of other patients - is subject to definite, though small, deviations in alkalinity. Marotta (Riv. clin. terap. Napoli 1887, pp. 561-77) was the first to demonstrate that this is more strongly alkaline - and, at the same time, that the organism he had detected (also a micrococcus, probably the same one) reacts strongly to small amounts of sodium bicarbonate.As soon as I learned of this, I immediately investigated old cultures of the Microsphaera vaccinae (Cohn 1872) in hanging drops of 2-5% soda solution and took smears - and in a few minutes I had the Chlamydozoon Prowazeks, which had never turned up in years of culturing, and which thus as Chlamydozoit (Fig. 5) represents a development form in the Cyclode of the Microsphaera. I had been lucky, though, since the starting material has to be from older cultures, in which the Dynamovalenz has attained a high value, in order to be able to produce the nuclear material for the many structures necessary in this process.The process is as simple as can be. The formation of a large number of Chondritfäden out of a Thecit, as illustrated in fig. 3, is already well known from the processes in any hanging drop in a physiological saline solution. This accumulates in a 2-5% soda solution more and more, so that finally in the extreme, and above all for especially large Theciten, the Chlamydozoit is built up, as shown in fig. 5. By the very nature of the process, one will find many transitional forms, of which one is reproduced in fig. 4.A membranaceous exterior seal arises via concatenation of the Endsymprotite to a durable membrane. This process can ultimately escalate further to an extensive formation of larger such Mychite around the central Thecit, which then attain considerable size and a raspberry-like appearance: the Morulit fig. 6.We have now traced the creation of a cell from the homogeneous proto-granules, the Symprotit of the Chondritstadiums. The cell thus represents a socialization of various development stages of the same organism, which the new organizational unit "cell" has made itself useful for the construction and maintenance thereof.

These elements are:
The nucleus = Thecit. The nuclear coat = Thecithull. The individual nuclear elements = Mych and the Symmycha (Chromidien, that are fixed neither in size nor number). The nuclear fluid = plasma coat in the Protitstages. The cell plasma = Chondritstage, with a sponge-like arrangement. The cell coat = Chondrit branching. The higher cell of the protozoans and metazoans differs primarily from the Chlamydozoit only in its fixity and the more or less rhythmic organization of the nuclear components (Chromidien and chromioles) according to size, number and positioning, although this principle is broken among the metazoans, and even more so among the protozoans, by the appearance of the polyenergiden nuclei. H. Dechow has demonstrated, on the basis of years of exemplary work in culturing the cancer pathogen (Endobiont = NR) to a likewise cell-like Kulminante, namely the Amoebit, how much nature is capable of escalating this construction principle of bacterioform phenomenological shapes. This, the cancer cell, shared with the Guarneri's corpuscles (comparative-morphologically quite similar) the fate of being considered by all researchers to be degenerated body cells of the host. Definitely a triumph of the cyclogenetic-development-history view of things! How unbelievably simple this proof is, when one knows the development processes, is shown by the confirmation of the same in the various forms of the Guarneri's corpuscles, which arrange themselves effortlessly in the recognized rhythm of creation, as is demonstrated in more detail in the following article.

In particular the characteristics of the Amoebit, the cancer cell, recognized by H. Dechow, of growth and multiplication, as well as of decay into lower units of single isolated cells, have a fundamental significance as opposed to the body cell and in agreement with all higher phenomenological forms, derived from the Thecit, out of the Chondrit-Bacteria-Aspergillus series with, in part, cell-like character such as the conidia, the Guarneri's corpuscles, the Chlamydozoit and the Morulit.

As for the differences in infectivity between vaccine and variola, the differences of Dynamogenie of the infection elements in all likelihood represent the driving force, are therefore dependent on the nuclear valency. This is in the Chondritstadium of the vaccine lymph a very low-value Dynamovalenz and thus causes a lighter infection, namely cowpox, whereas a Synthecitstadium of the Guarneri's corpuscles of a highly infectious pox scab, which incorporates a high-value nuclear valency, will cause a serious infection of genuine pustules. The large cyclodischen distance of both Cyclostadien causes the transition to founder, primarily, on the abundance of the intervening Mochlosen (impediments).At the same time, this investigation has revealed that, among the numerous viewpoints concerning the histological valency of the bacteria, those who grasped them in their totality as nucleus (but without flagellum) came closest to the actual relationships. But in fact the relationship of Mychit (sphere) to Syndimychit (rod) is the same as that of protozoan to metazoan. The first preparatory step to the cell plasma among the bacteria are the flagella and all the appendages in the Chondritstadium, even when they haven't yet secondarily differentiated into flagella.The proto-granule (Protit and Symprotit) might well be more widespread in nature than one could even imagine. I even found it in exobasidium. Szathmary demonstrated its presence in the higher fungi. It also appears in aspergillus and cyanophycus.Similar structures in the higher algae, as for example the sterile whorls of the Acetabularia mediterranea, which lives in the Adriatic Sea near Trieste, would need to be tested in this context. But it might play a pre-eminent role even in the blood of higher animals, where applicable morphological elements are to be found in huge quantities and in great diversity. But the higher Cyclostadien also can be found everywhere in their higher organisms, especially in the processes of chromosomes, which repeat the processes of the bacterial rod down to the smallest detail. Even the Thecit seems to be mirrored in the thrombocyte (Cf. Bakteria Cyclogeny [now available in english - $69.00 US] 1925, p. 310 and figs. 329 & 330).

Boundless work awaits here. All pre-cellular stages of the higher organisms will be involved in the build-up, and thus the purely theoretical views of Nägeli, Altmann, etc. concerning the valency of the mitochondria and similar structures as life elements are scientifically vindicated by culturing. Perhaps many of the Buchner symbioses of bacteria with insects in a similar sense as a pre-cellular stage which is useful to the total organism, will even be able to be verified.

The sheer boundless polymorphism of the phenomenological forms of the cyclogenetischen constructive series of Protit, Chondrit, Mychit, bacterial rod, Cystite, Thecit, composite Thecit (Synthecit) with Guarneri's corpuscles and mold spores (conidia) up to the cell-like forms Chlamydozoit, Morulit and Amoebit, can only be understood through the constant boundlessly potentiated (by means of concentration and conjugation) valency of the nuclear elements (Mych, Symmycha) of the ascending Dynamogenie. One should keep in mind that the haploid and diploid phase of plant and animal, a form - here initially fixed as to number, size and arrangement - of the final nuclear elements, is only a meager remnant of the boundless primordial bounty of the Dynamogenie of the proto-organisms, which is represented by the series Chondrit, bacterium, mold. C. Börner, in his fundamental tocontology (whose design significance for all these organisms is quite well known to all biologists) has described (Die natürliche Schöpfungsgeschichte als Tokontologie [The natural history of creation as tocontology] Leipzig, Th. Weicher, 1913, 159 pgs., 10 tables & 11 illus.) what gigantic dimensions of differentiation within this simple alternation alone, between merely two nuclear valencies - namely from haploid to diploid phase - still remain for plants and animals.

The reason why the homogeneous proto-granule (Protit and Symprotit) has not yet been taken seriously, and why the necessary genetic evaluation has not been made, is that people have not been able to tear themselves away from the centuries-old, firmly rooted idea that the cell is the lowest fundamental unit of life.

Pseudo crystals

The all-last unit of the living substance are the colloids. Colloids are not only to be formed in a the position other organisms, them can also into a drying protein form purge, into one e.g. for fright position, which can be caused by the smallest effects. It concerns a sudden retreat into the drying protein form, which even temperatures of 310°C bears, without losing the vitality.

Spengler has even still higher temp. observed. One brings these into physiological sodium solution. Germinate at the outstanding edges the e.g. pseudo crystals low valence Chondrite. Thus a the flax that not around lifeless “crystals" separate themselves it around living, crystal-similar things acts, proved e.g. “pseudo crystals” Read more

Suggestion for a standardized blood acceptance

In the vacation I thus some through the head go let which the standardization of the blood tests in the dark field vital blood diagnostics concerns oneself.I proceeded from the quantity of the vital blood and laying one on cover glass and slide with and the same height. Through experiments I came then on the ideal “head” of the cover glass on the carrier. Those are 0,8 millimeters. Also the quantity of the blood drop property I with 0,5µl determines. The drop is to be functioned largely enough over without edge conclusion.

Around the quantity to determine I use an a mark capillary pipette (5µl) from which I if she is fully filled approx. 1µl on the cover glass discharges. The negative pressure in the stamp pulls the cover glass downward and forms it easily concave. To the center I give then the half micro liter to blood. Then I turn the stamp and place him on the slide. By evacuation of the vacuum the panel falls on the carrier.

Which one should consider before the investigation!

Information for patients
I must come myself quite often miracles if patients to me, who were already once for dark field investigation and report me of it.
They could be examined at noon beautifully eaten (at the best still another English roasted steak) and then against 15°°. Where did these people (therapists) learn their tool? There are so good books from Enderlein, Dumrese/Haefeli, Arnoul, Häring.

A seminar with a “Expert” harms also nothing.

Which you should consider before the blood investigation:
Optimal test results presuppose soberness, i.e. you should have taken the last light meal the eve of the investigation against 20 °° to itself.
Drink a glass quiet water in the morning of the investigation maximally. Do please without a large morning toilet, since creams, soaps, perfume, make-up, etc. the immune system can activate unnecessarily and be obtained thus no optimal test results.

Saturday, August 19, 2006

Patient Report - Carole Conquers Cancer - One Woman's Odyssey

by Carole Bradford
On March 25, 1993, Carole Bradford faced two key events in her life: she was turning a young-looking 53 - and she was to undergo a lumpectomy to remove what she hoped (indeed, prayed) was a benign cyst.

What else could it be? Certainly not the feared "C" word.

"I remember thinking what kind of cosmic joke it would be if I, Carole Bradford, would come down with breast cancer. No way, Jose!" she recalled.

Why should she not think this way?

After all, she was the hard-driving CEO of California-based American Biologics, an international bio-tech and nutritional supplement company whose origins dated back to the laetrile wars of the 1970s.

She "ate right," took up to 30 vitamin/mineral/enzyme tablets a day, and was fully aware of the nature of cancer.

Of equal or greater importance, she was the globe-trotting wife of Dr. Robert W. Bradford, the founder of American Biologics, the scientific director and co-founder of American Biologics-Mexico SA Medical Center in Tijuana, the co-founder of the Committee for Freedom of Choice in Cancer Therapy, (the reason for the nationwide "decriminalization'' moves for laetrile in the 1970s/1980s), the author or co-author of numerous books and scores of research monographs on the metabolic management of cancer and degenerative diseases, the primary author of the "Primordial Thesis of Cancer." the reason behind the textbook delineating Oxidology as a medical subspecialty, and, of more recent vintage, the pioneer/developer and worldwide patent holder of the Bradford Variable Projection Microscopy system (BVPM¨) and the two revolutionary peripheral blood tests HLB and HRBM (LBA) he developed that assess morphological changes in the blood as a means of evaluation of balanced body chemistry (homeostasis).

Carole Bradford had circumnavigated the globe more than once as the good right arm of Robert Bradford, and had sat in on as many or more scientific sessions on cancer, degenerative disease and microscopy lectures as any licensed professional. She knew cancer intimately: it was in her family, among her friends. She knew what it was, what it could do.

"I had had cysts for several years, so had my mother, and my grandmother had died of breast cancer. But there was something different about this lump," she recalled. "I could feel this one easily, since it was growing fast - and it was associated with a lot of heat."

She remembered some "orthodox" miscues along the way:
Three years before, in 1990, she had been at the American Biologics (AB) hospital for her annual three-day trip for rejuvenation treatment: some live cells, chelation, blood work, Dioxychlor "drips." She had a breast cyst at the time and she recalled that a staff surgeon had encouraged her to have a needle biopsy, "just to make sure."

"Of course I can't be sure, but I think that is what they would call 'the initial insult.' I don't feel right about biopsies and I'll never do one again," she said.
Carole Bradford now believes that she was incubating a malignant process in a minimally active state at least since that time (1990) but was keeping it under control with her disciplined diet and supplements.

By January 1993, this fast-growing cyst had her worried. She did another "orthodox" procedure - an ultrasound assay of the right breast. The ultrasound spotted an area of inflammation but the official analysis was that it was just another cyst.

Because she was so busy at the office she did not feel she could take the time away from her duties to have the cyst removed then. So she waited three months until her birthday, March 25, 1993, to have the lumpectomy, which she undertook while wide awake and following the procedure with keen interest. "When I saw the tumor in the operating room I exclaimed "God - that's big!" The tumor was 4cm x 4-1/2 cm x 3.8 cm plus extra tissue taken - it looked like a golfball.

After five days, Carole Bradford went back to her routine: long hours (up to 12 deskside) at her American Biologics office in Chula Vista, California, with endless telephone calls, constant involvement in the routine operation of a thriving business and all that went with it, with scant time available to enjoy her beautiful sprawling ranch in east San Diego County.

Two weeks later, on April 9, she was sitting at her desk when Robert Bradford entered her office. He had just been on the phone with Rodrigo Rodriguez, MD, the veteran medical director of the AB-Mexico hospital. He in turn had already heard from the University of Minnesota Hospital and Clinic Department of Surgical Pathology, where the lumpectomy sections had been sent.

Carole Bradford, remembered it well:
"Bob came in and sat down in front of my desk. His behavior was very calm. He just said it all at once: it was confirmed that I had breast cancer. It was a 'high-grade infiltrating ductal cell carcinoma of the right breast, Bloom-Richardson grade 3.' So I'm just sitting there trying to take it all in. Not an easy moment.

"But within two minutes I was asking Bob to check my blood on the microscope. I wanted to see what my blood looked like. And I needed to see it for myself."

"But I never had this feeling of, 'Why me - 'Why not me?' I'd been through this with enough patients to know not to be too negative, even if the information was tough to take. I do remember one thought, looking back, that really sank in: being who I was, and what we were involved in, how could I not pull through? I didn't sleep very well that first night, though. It was really a rude awakening."
Working side-by-side for years with me
dical maverick Robert Bradford, she had come to have enormous admiration for him and all that he had done, particularly in helping to get the "AB" hospital functioning in Tijuana. He and the old nucleus group of the activist Committee for Freedom of Choice in Cancer Therapy Inc., had formed the first Bradford-oriented medical center in 1975 (Cydel Clinic later called Manner Clinic).
"I thought, 'Of course I'll pull through this. My God, haven't we all been working for this? Don't we have the best therapies and techniques available? Does anyone know more about cancer than we do?' I decided then and there I was going to do everything to beat this thing. I was lucky. I had access to every conceivable cancer therapy.

I was well backgrounded in the subject matter, and I had a brilliant husband who would be directing my treatment in every way."

The Bradfords' general belief is that the earlier signs of a possible malignant process were masked because Carole was nutritionally doing all the right things. But between her rejuvenation visits and blood analyses several things had happened:

Both were travelling extensively to Europe and China, where there has been a major effort to use the Bradford microscopy system and blood tests as therapeutic modalities. Too, Carole was taking very personally some personnel upheavals at work.

"I'm not trying to make excuses here," she said. "But I am saying that I was extremely stressed by these problems. Aside from that, until the diagnosis came like a proverbial knock on the head, my favorite place was my desk and I spent a great deal of time there. In retrospect, I can only think now that the needle biopsy of 1990 and this personnel problem in late 1992 were what it took to knock over the dominoes and bring my malignancy to the fore."

The "coagulation" blood test (HLB) did in fact pick up areas of suspicious inflammation, adrenal stress and bowel flora imbalances.

The AB hospital had become a major center for the use of another test - AMAS, or the test for antimalignin antibody, preformed in Boston; and the five-parameter Augusti test, pioneered in France by Dr. Yves Augusti, a collaborator of the Bradford Research Institute (BRI). Neither has received the full blessings of the US medical establishment, but the AB hospital and BRI incorporate both as useful monitors.

Admitted to the AB hospital the day before the scheduled lumpectomy, Carole Bradford's Augusti test had shown a suspicious rise in the "allergic" parameter, frequent in cancer cases. The AMAS test was slightly "positive." Later, from medical orthodoxy, a breast cancer "marker," CA 15-3, turned out to be very high.

"Okay, the results were in. It was cancer, no doubt about that, and it was happening to me, Carole Bradford," she recalled.

"So I decided to take charge of my illness and created with Bob my own injectable program, what we later came to call the 'Bradford cocktail.' I had a hospital at my disposition, and a collaborating medical staff. I could have anything done I wanted to."

AB-Mexico's primary claim to fame, by 1993, was already in the cancer department. Since creation of the original AB medical group in 1975 and the opening of American Biologics-Mexico in 1980, the AB team had seen upwards of 18,000 cancer cases. It was securing some kind of positive responses in 95% and reaching what American orthodox oncology described as a "cure" - meaning five years free of symptoms - in at least 20%, a remarkable feat at a time when metastatic, or "spread" cancer, was "curable" in the US about 9% of the time.

Carole Bradford then began her incredible treatment odyssey. But it began with an attitude change:

"I knew I was going to have to spend a long time away from my desk, resting in one of our recliner treatment chairs at AB-Mexico. I was going to have to learn to relax, read books, watch television, whatever. After the first week of this, I told myself, 'Hey, this isn't too bad now.' Several weeks later I began to play tennis on a more regular basis, to swim, took Spanish language classes, and really began working on getting de-stressed.

"This was the beginning of healing and I have to add that, thank God, I was never in pain. I did not have to go through the horrors of awful pain that I have seen and heard about from so many patients."

Carole Bradford was an "outpatient" at the AB Medical Center at least four times a week, returning to her desk at Chula Vista for only a few hours in the afternoons. "Suddenly, I found I didn't really need to spend all those hours at the desk. All that paperwork was somehow getting done by able staff members and it became less all-consuming to me," she remembered.

"I kept a record of my visits to the clinic for my injections, like a score card and after 100 injection days I stopped counting. Now that is a lot of injections." Her daily program consisted of:

In the first "drip bag" she received: 9 grams Laetrile, 25 grams of vitamin C, 10 cc of GE-OXY 132 (germanium sesquioxide), 10 cc of reduced glutathione, 5 cc of pangamic acid, 16 mg of superoxide dismutase (SOD), 10 cc of NAC (N-acetyl-cysteine), 2 cc of thymus extract, 5 cc of licorice extract (Biorizin), 10 cc of taurine, 3 grams of sodium butyrate, and 20 cc of DMSO (dimethyl sulfoxide).

In her second "drip bag" she received 100 cc saline with 10 cc of Dioxychlor, the oxidative agent pioneered by the BRI.

Her oral program, which reached up to 100 tablets or capsules daily during 1993, consisted of around 30 items: liquid Vitamin A in the form of A-E emulsion (200,000 units), between 15 to 20 grams of Vitamin C, proteolytic enzymes in the form of the AB product Inflazyme Forte, antioxidant enzymes and other substances in the form of the AB product Oxy-5000, Acidophilus/lactobacillus combinations as Bio-Dophilus Complex, co-enzyme Q10, three different combinations of "omega" fatty acids, spleen glandular, adrenal glandular, a combination of vitamins/minerals/nutrients as AB's Multiplex, shark cartilage, selenium, licorice extract (Glycyron), Basic 9 minerals complex, thymus glandular, GE-132 oral (germanium sesquioxide), laetrile (amygdalin tablets), benzaldehyde, mammary glandular, beta-carotene, herbal specialty products called Coleus forskohlu, Ascorfutaruplex, Lapachoplex (from the South American pau d'arco therapy), homeopathic burdock root, chitin (crab extract) and apricot kernels (a natural high source of laetrile and other useful nutrients.)

She also took a combination of homeopathic injectable extracts from the pioneering Heel Company of Europe which consisted of 12 separate products including mistletoe extract (Iscador, from Viscum album).

And that was not all:
For 90 days daily, and then once or twice a week for many more months, she utilized treatments by another Bradford-pioneered breakthrough:

ACN (Accelerated-Charge Normalization), which alters the negative tissue potential usually found in breast cancer to the normal or positive potential characteristic of breast tissue without cancer.

By establishing a positive tissue potential, immune cells, being negatively charged, are attracted to the malignant site and greatly enhance the body's immune response against cancer.
In addition to the obvious therapeutic advantage there is also a diagnostic or assessment advantage in measuring the tissue potential which can be related to tumor activity.

In Carole's case, the tumor's negative charge exceeded 200 millivolts. This is over 100 thousand times the potential required to repel the immune system's macrophages from the breast tumor. In other words, her body did not recognize there was an ongoing malignancy. Amazingly, it took over nine months of integrative therapy for the potential in her breast to normalize.

Also "working" was Carole Bradford's adherence to the anti-cancer diet long followed at AB-Mexico and also detailed in the recipe book she co-authored with Beverly Novak: Cookbook for Healthful Living.

"Another reason we dared not fail," she said. "It would be bad press! If we couldn't save me, then who could?"

Within a six-month period, most all her blood tests were turning back to normal. "The only orthodox things I ever did in my cancer program were the lumpectomy and yes, tamoxifen. It was suggested that I needed this, particularly against breast cancer. But I took this only for about 60 days.

"I just knew that it was doing something abnormal when I began having daily cervical discharges. So after two months, I said, 'No more.' I would never do it again. Some things are just intuitive in nature and you have to listen to your body! Once again, I was taking charge of my health, not the doctors."

(It would subsequently be learned that, however useful tamoxifen might be in the short term against breast cancer, it increases a woman's risk of both endometriosis and cervical cancer. It still remains an optional treatment within an integrative program.)

In May of 1993 she allowed a follow-up mammogram of her left breast since AB doctors had noticed abnormal tissue and feared that the cancer had spread.

"I have my doubts about mammograms too. I wouldn't do them again, either. Squeezing the breast into a vise can't be any good. And it seems barbaric," she assessed.

(Some research, particularly in Canada, has sustained her fears: clamping breasts into a vise for a mammogram can indeed have the effect of damaging tissues and enhancing an existing malignant process, at least in some cases.)

"Doctors, including some of our own, kept pestering me about using chemotherapy, because of a suspicious lesion in the left breast showing up in the mammography. One doctor insisted I have a needle biopsy of the left breast. Re-thinking what happened with the initial needle biopsy in 1990, I refused.
"Weeks later, the surgeon came to me as I sat in the treatment room and waved his finger in my face, telling me, 'You have a fast-growing tumor and you're not taking it seriously. You could die.' He had suggested a double mastectomy or at least a 'quad.' I rejected all of this.

"I remember saying, 'We're a holistic hospital, we've been in this business for 20 years now and that's what we're all about. I believe that's what is best for me and we must prove that we're right.' Maybe the big thing is that I never accepted the fact that I might die of cancer. I said in essence, "We're into holistic/integrative therapy. This is what we're all about."

But she was also aware of the developing doctrine of the true nature of cancer: it is not a tumor, but a malignant process; it is not "curable" in the sense that all aspects of it vanish forever; it is susceptible to long-term control, even for the whole of a lifetime. But you don't "get over" cancer and follow the same lifestyle as before. The key word is "control" - not "cure."

"I am a very disciplined person. I said on more than one occasion to my husband when he would forget to take his 'few' vitamins; 'It's a good thing I'm the one who has cancer - because of the discipline necessary to stay on the program.' I was able to stick with the program," she recalled.
Carole Bradford did stick with the program. Year in and year out, one blood test after another, reducing her oral program back to 30 tablets or more, occasionally taking "drips," even cramming 12,000-gauss magnets into her brassiere as a daily kind of localized magnetic therapy, in conjunction with ACN.

Now the magic date was looming; March of 1998 - if she had five years free of symptoms, she would be "cured" by the definition of standard Western oncology.

"Even though we in holistic medicine perhaps laugh at the premise that after exactly the fifth year you're instantly 'cured,' the mind still plays games with you and for me, even though I had been completely healthy for the past perhaps 3 years, I still celebrated the fact," She remembered.

Carole had another birthday - March 25, 1998 - with a series of health assessments and blood tests. Her birthday gift this year was the best of all:

She was certifiably free of cancer!

Jonathan Collin, MD, offers his take on issues that affect you. . .

Many patients ask me about how they can change their diet to restore good health. In the past I have often looked a little blank-faced, as I considered what options they might have to revitalize and counter symptoms of ill health by eating food.

For sure, too many patients take little time to prepare their foods, opting for fast food, consuming fat-laden calories, foods prepared in lard or similar unsavory fats, heavy in sugar, or just too many colas and empty calories.

A change to a "prudent heart diet" with attention to eating vegetables and fruits, whole grains, good quality fish and fowl— all prepared in a pleasing dinner environment—would undoubtedly improve the health of most ill individuals.

However, as much as healthy lifestyle is beneficial to preventing ill health, it is a little questionable whether it would dramatically alter the course of one's illness. Some have questioned whether food allergies play a role in ill health. Assuredly, the avoidance and abstinence from allergy-provoking foods has played an important role in restoring health to many individuals.

This is especially important for foods we eat most often, including dairy, gluten, eggs, corn, rice, soy and citrus. Still a healthy lifestyle and avoidance of food allergens may not alter our dis-ease, our general feeling of devitalized health.

In the February/March 2005 issue (#259/260) of the Townsend Letter, Allison Siebecker, a naturopathic doctor student at the National College of Naturopathic Medicine in Portland, Oregon hypothesizes that there may be one food which truly fits the bill for restoring health – that food would be BONE BROTH!

For her review of the use of bone broth, including its use in naturopathic healing, its role in traditional cooking and how bone broth is correctly prepared, the Townsend Letter awarded Siebecker our award for "Best of Naturopathy."Siebecker remarks that broth is a "valuable food and a valuable medicine, much too valuable to be forgotten or discounted in our modern times…."

The method to prepare a broth is remarkably simple: "the ingredients are as follows: bones from an animal, with or without meat and skin, enough water to just cover the bones, a splash of vinegar, and optional assorted vegetables or their scraps. Making broth requires almost no work, just put the bones in a pot, add water and vinegar, bring it to a simmer and walk away. No chopping or tending is needed."

Siebecker details how the constituents of bone and bone marrow, particularly collagen and gelatin are provided in home-prepared broth. Store-bought broths often are not prepared from bone and are not replete with minerals.

If some are dismissive of broth as being hardly of any value, consider what Siebecker's research has noted in broth's ability to restore health. Broth is beneficial for: allergies, anxiety, brittle nails, constipation, diabetes, diarrhea, gastritis, hypertension, immune deficiency, inflammation, kidney stones, muscle cramping, osteoarthritis, periodontal disease, weight loss due to illness, and wound healing.

(This is a partial list; it would be difficult to find a condition that would not be benefited by bone broth.) Siebecker provides a very good recipe in detail of how the broth is prepared in her paper, Traditional Bone Broth in Modern Health and Disease.

Other award-winning papers published in the February/March 2005 (#259/260) printed Townsend Letter include: "Safe Therapy for Anxiety Disorders," "Dietary Supplement Effectiveness on Natural Killer Cell Activity," "Lunar Cycles and Menstruation," and "Naturopathic Medicine Research Without Animal Experimentation." These papers are all available in the printed February/March issue for $6 plus $2 S/H. Extra charges apply for international shipments.

Use our "Order Back Issues" form or the contact info below.

Checks may be mailed to:911 Tyler StreetPort Townsend, WA 98368

Sunday, August 13, 2006

Dr. Carl Spengler

Dr. Carl Spengler the discoverer and founder of the Spenglersan Immuntherapie

Carl Spengler was born 1860 in Davos as a son of Dr. Alexander Spengler (Alexander house). After its license to practise medicine to the Dr. med. he worked in practice its father in Davos. In this time it published several papers over the Tuberculosis. Robert Koch became therefore attentive to him and got him as a coworker to Berlin into his Institut. There Spengler co-operated among other things with the Nobelpreisträgern of Behring and Kitasato.
During his work with Robert Koch at its Tuberkulin discovered Spengler the meaning of the Mix infects. 1895 handed over to Koch its original Tuberculin Carl Spengler Robert to extensive bakteriological research. This resumed Spengler in Davos apart from its practical medical activity.
Spengler looked for new therapeutic ways to the treatment of the Tuberculosis. The IK-preparations manufactured by it (IK= immune body) formed the basis of its large therapeutic successes. Spengler could state that the IK-preparations were in high dilute however strongly effective in concentrated form weakly. At first these IK-preparations were brought subcutaneous, later percutaneously to application. 1904 were made into the DMW a publication by it, 1911 appeared his “Tuberculosis and Syphilis work”. Later still work followed over its cancer research.
Main earnings/services of Spenglers are based certainly in the fact that it recognized the meaning of the Mix infects, which made the treatment more difficult of the Tuberculosis as one of the first researchers correctly as well as as “masked their meaning for the total organism Tuberculosis”.
Outgoing from this realization, Spengler came with the advancement of its colloid therapy on the ingenious thought at the same time to accomplish the active Immunization with a passive which still work also there and could help, where the active Immunization had to fail due to the weakened defense protection against the organism.
This colloid used with large success to the Tuberculosis treatment was called later “Spenglersan colloid T”.
Due to the unusually good experiences with the “colloid T” Spengler developed gradually a set of further mixing colloids, which cover a large circle of infections. How very much Spengler met with it the correct, successes prove with symptoms, which defied frequently different therapies. In all cases so far predominantly the symptoms were fought, this temporarily brought to disappearing, the actual (masked) cause remained however uninfluenced.
Dr. Carl Spengler was however not only a scientist and a physician of first rank, as a sportsman stepped out he exactly the same. In order to unite and the mutual understanding and confidence promote by sporty establishment of contact the nations disliked by the First World War again, it donated Christmas 1923 to the “Spengler Cup”. Since that time around this desired ice hockey Trophies (with short interruptions) each year in Davos an international tournament is delivered.
Briefly before its death Carl Spengler transferred 1937 at Paul A. Meckel, its coworker and later founder of the company Meckel, exclusive the rights to distribute and manufacture of all of its prescriptions and medicaments as well as the entire scientific deduction.
This original documents today Meckel are at the Meckel Spenglersan GmbH as a right successor of the company.

Spenglersoma therapy

A new welfare chance with allergies, sleep disturbances and Tinnitus represents the therapy with the micro-biological means “Spenglersan”, justified by it, after realizations of Franz Kliemchen made of Baden-Baden, which is laid on on certain zones at the body.

Self-treatment is possible.

Hay cold, sounds harmless. It is however a serious illness. Medically for it different terms are used like Pollinose, allergische Rhinitis or Pollenrhinopathie. In principle the hay cold belongs to the allergischen illnesses.

The annoying cold, which continues at the beginning of only a few weeks, can transform into an all-season continuous cold. The inflammations of the provoked nose mucous membrane can expand on the nose beside caves or the tympanic cavity.

Chronic headache, hearing damages and a general attenuation of the immune defense can be the result. Untreatedly the allergische Rhinitis and/or the hay cold can be even forerunners of illnesses of the lung.

We understand the changed reaction type of the body by allergy on a substance. Therefore a allergische reaction is always also a immune-biological reaction.

An antigen anti-body reaction causes thereby the release of histamine, Serotonin and the Kinine. This leads to a container extension and a liquid withdrawal into the fabric.

Thus a swelling develops. The activity of the glands becomes additional lively.

Typical signs are: Flow cold with strong, aqueous liquid formation, a clogged nose by the swollen mucous membrane, violent, frequent sneezing attacks.

Often also the eyes with concerned are by flow of tears, burning and itching, luminous sensivity and turning red. Also headache, tiredness and attraction barness are to be observed.

Trips of these allergischen reactions are above all bloom polling, in addition, Tierhaare, mold fungi, house dust, food and medicines.

Can be helped to this Allergikern now according to welfare practical man Franz Kliemchen, which leads a welfare practice for 25 years, with a micro-biological immune modulator (Spenglersan colloid K) effectively and side effect-free, if approx. four weeks before beginning of the polling season with the treatment one begins.

With hay cold already existing the combination can bring additional easement to colloid G with Spengerlas, since thereby the inflammatory changes in the nose mucous membrane are improved.

The Spenglersan colloid K already activates the immune system after unique application. With a study a significant rise of the CD4 aid cells in the peripheral blood was determined.

Since with the Spenglersan colloids to the active also a passive Immunisierung takes place at the same time, the symptoms do not only become, but also the causes of the illnesses fights. It understands itself automatically that this therapy with self-blood treatment,

Akupunktur, Kinesiologie, bio resonance method etc. can be supported. Since it concerns with the hay cold a chronic symptomatology, additionally still 3-5 drops Spenglersan colloid T should be rubbed in for each third day.

This colloid, which has itself first, which by Dr. med. Carl Spengler was developed, proven with all chronic illnesses. It has among other things a strong effect on the Bronchial and lung system.
Spenglersan with blood high pressure, liver Galle problems and easy depressions.

Spenglersan colloid K does not however only have on the allergischen form circle an amazing effect, but it works also spasmoytisch, blood circulation-promoting and can be used both with hypertonia and with the Hypotonie.
During hypotonischen crises or collapse writing beginning it works in few minutes. Therefore it is preventively given to invasiven working methods in Kliemchens practice often forwards.
The effect of Spenglersan colloid K on the liver Galle system was described in many work.

That is perhaps also the reason, why it possesses so an amazing effect with easy depressions.

The Spenglersoma therapy - an advancementIn the course of its research of many years with the Spenglersan colloids Franz Kliemchen made the discovery that as a result of the employment of these means on certain zones at the body perfectly new therapy possibilities arise, which do not only affect the physical ranges but also on the mental-mental ranges.

That means, one lays the individual Spenglersan on of colloids not only into the Ellenbeuge or on the belly skin, but on specific Akupunkturpunkte, special points, Head zones etc.

Franz Kliemchen: “The Spenglersoma therapy can be erlenren easily in a daily seminar.

It works even when otherwise with difficulty therapierbaren illnesses with an amazing success ratio. In addition is outstanding suitable this by me developed therapy for the self-treatment, it can without devices and thus without high costs be accomplished. This concerns a modified form of the Spenglersan therapy.”

Spenglersan with sleep disturbancesSpenglersan K worked satisfactorily in the Spenglersoma therapy with sleep disturbances, if one before exactly investigated the cause of sleep disturbances. It is important whether it e.g. concerns around organic causes like cardiovascular diseases, cerebrale blood circulation disturbances, Schnarchen, disturbance of the lung function or chronic pain conditions.
Also outside causes can be like noise disturbance, meteorological and climatic influences, disturbed Mikroklima (too cold, too warm or to bright sleep area) and irregular sleep times.

Often also psychiatric disturbances, all are in front depressions, fear and psychotische illnesses the cause for sleep disturbances. To underestimate are not pharmakogene causes, for example Koffein, nicotine or medicines like drive-increasing antidepressives, Cortisonpräparate and b-blockers.
None of these causes - and applies to of 30 to 40 per cent all patients - is is the reasons most frequently within the psychological range or within the range of the internal biological clock and in the synchronisation mechanism (Melatonin) to be searched.

If one includes these causes stated in short form also into its therapy, one becomes in the Spenglersoma therapy with sleep disturbances 3 time daily per 5 drops Spenglersan colloid K on the basis of the DE 23 (situation: rub at the Unterrand of the yoke elbow) around the ear, 1 in to 2 cm below the right and left Mastoids. As auxiliary medication high-dose Johanniskraut worked satisfactorily and in the evening a high-dose valerian excerpt.

Spenglersan with TinnitusAlso with the Tinnitus one, so the bathe Badener welfare practical man, always as auxiliary therapy of Spenglersan colloid K, should think also in combination with Spenglersan colloid T. presupposed, the Tinnitus not by a stove happening (frequent within the tooth Kiefer range) is affected and the beginning of the Erkankung is not past not all too for a long time. Since the Spenglersan colloids, as it could show Klopp in its investigations, have a strong positive influence on the micro circulation, Kliemchen the employment of these medicines is always indicated according to welfare practical man.

Experienced Spenglersan therapists let the Spenglersan colloid K rub in simultaneous with the Tinnitus not only into the Ellenbeuge, but also at the Mastoid. If the suspicion on a stove happening should be present, then the Spenglersan of colloids D and Dx stands for order to the diagnostic identification, with which a stove happening can be located.

The Spenglersan colloids

The Spenglersan therapy is a biological healing method, mainly used by naturopathic doctors and healing practitioners.Its without side effect and is generally applied to break blockages and to treat chronic and acute diseases, as well as in prevention and diagnosis.Each blockage influences the immune system; therefore no therapy can be successful without supporting the immune system.
Spenglersan Colloids are microbiological immune modulators.They consist of antigens and antitoxins of varying bacterial strains and are potentized to D9.There are 10 different types of spenglersan: A, D, DX, E, G, K, OM, R, and T.
The indication spectrum of Spenglersan Colloids is extraordinarily broad. Due to the fact that many illnesses derive from combined infections, disturbances of the immune system, allergies or autoimmune illnesses, the colloids have a large therapeutic area.
The Spenglersan Colloid immune therapy opens up the area of illness with so-called "unknown causes".Often tubercular toxicoses or lytic-toxic disease inherited over several generations are hidden behind these illnesses.
Spenglersan Colloids are applied percutaneously, i.e., the patient himself vigorously rubs the drops into a tender part of the skin with the ball of his thumb.The best spots are the inside of the elbow, the inside of the thigh, or the skin of the abdomen.For babies the drops are rubbed into the abdominal skin with the child's lower arm.
Only general guidelines can be given for the dosage, since it is dependent of course on the patient but also on the duration and seriousness of the illness.The dosages recommended are average values based on many examples of treatment, but individual adjustment is essential.
Babies receive basically only one drop per rub-in application.Children below 12 years of age receive an increasing dosage up to half of the adult dosage.
In addition a precise record of the colloids used, the number of drops rubbed in, and the observations made should be kept in order to control the course of therapy.With higher dosages the drops should be divided into several parts and consecutively rubbed into the skin in portions of 3-5 drops each.
In case several Spenglersan Colloids are prescribed at once, they should not be mixed together.If several Spenglersan Colloids are to be applied on one day, there should be a two-hour wait between applications.It can be more advantageous, however, to alternate the prescribed Spenglersan Colloids on consecutive days.
In general the rule of thumb for usage is as follows:
With acute conditions - a higher dosage and shorter pauses between applicationsWith chronic conditions - a lower dosage and longer pauses between applications

Friday, August 11, 2006

Development of WF10, a novel macrophage-regulating agent.

Curr Opin Investig Drugs. 2002 Mar;3(3):365-73.
Related Articles, Links
Development of WF10, a novel macrophage-regulating agent.
McGrath MS, Kahn JO, Herndier BG.

AIDS Immunobiology Research Laboratory,
San Francisco General Hospital Medical Center, CA 94110, USA.

WF10 represents a new class of drug involved in regulating macrophage function both in vitro and in vivo. In the US, WF10 is being evaluated in patients with advanced HIV infection as an adjunct to highly active antiretroviral therapy (HAART). To date, most therapeutic efforts to treat HIV infection have focused on inhibition of viral replication with the goal of decreasing viral load. The introduction of HAART was associated with a dramatic decline in AIDS-related mortality; however, recent indications suggest that the trend maybe changing. WF10, which contains chlorite as the active principle, causes profound changes in macrophage function and activation of gene expression, and appears to downregulate inappropriate immunological activation. The loss of T-cell function observed in HIV-infected patients likely requires the involvement of chronically activated macrophages. Therefore, the persistently activated macrophage represents a therapeutic target that is, unlike HIV, not highly mutable. With this target as a focus, WF10 is being developed for use in advanced HIV disease. WF10 is currently being studied in the US, Europe and Asia for treatment of late-stage HIV disease, as well as recurrent prostate cancer, late post-radiation cystitis, autoimmune disease and chronic active hepatitis C disease.
PMID: 12054081
[PubMed - indexed for MEDLINE]


WF10 is an experimental immune modulator that is being tested in people with HIV. A pilot study found evidence that it improves the ability of macrophages (a type of white blood cell) to destroy and remove bacteria or foreign bodies from the blood. Containing an active ingredient known as TCDO, WF10 is administered intravenously. It is currently in clinical trials in the United States and Canada among people with low CD4 cell counts. One randomised, double-blind study of 19 people with advanced AIDS has been published.

Although numbers were small, results of this three-month study are encouraging. Immune function improved in the WF10 group and declined in the control group, while ten infections occurred in the control group compared with three in the WF10 group. No-one on WF10 was hospitalized, whereas five of the control group spent a total of 53 days in hospital. In the nine-month follow-up period, six people in the control group died compared with one person from the WF10 group (Raffanti 1998). References Raffanti SP et al. Randomized, double-blind, placebo-controlled trial of the immune modulator WF10 in patients with advanced AIDS.
Infection 26: 202-207, 1998.

Thursday, August 10, 2006

The pH Miracle. Balance Your Diet, Reclaim Your Health

By Bob McCauley

I recently read The pH Miracle. Balance Your Diet, Reclaim Your Health and found several points to disagree with in the book, which has recently become very popular. Dr. Young has done great work and I have a lot of respect for him and many of his concepts on health. However my areas of disagreement with him are profound because they refer to critical components of human health. We disagree on several other minor points such as the fact that he doesn't encourage us to exercise, but others cannot go unchallenged because they are misguided in the most fundamental way.

In my opinion, Dr. Young should reconsider his position on the following stances:
Dr. Young promotes the consumption of fish, which is a problem for two reasons. First, almost everyone cooks the fish they eat. Cooked foods acidify the body and lead to nearly all disease.

However, even if fish is consumed raw such as with sushi, it has become extremely laden with heavy metals, in particular mercury. The US pumps 40 million tons of methyl-mercury into the atmosphere, China over 300 million tons and Russia reportedly even more. Because of this, mercury has accumulated in fish, especially larger species such as Tuna, Albacore, Sword and Shark. Heavy metals are replete throughout our environment, having accumulated because of industrialization over the last 200 years.

Cooked animal protein is one of the leading causes of disease. Eating raw meat, fish, eggs and dairy is not a health hazard as long as it is organic, non-medicated and disease free. The higher we eat on the food chain, the more concentrated the toxins we consume because animals have hundreds and sometimes thousands of meals that contain toxins that become concentrated in the flesh of the fish, animal or the milk and eggs they produce. When we consume animal flesh, we are consuming those concentrated toxins found in the animals. Because of these reasons, I would never suggest anyone eat fish.

Dr. Young promotes a diet that is only 80% raw, 20% cooked. He offers many cooked food recipes in the back of his book, something I would never do. People don't need to be tempted with cooked foods, nor instructed on how to make them in delicious ways. Of course, I want people to be eat as many raw foods as they possibly can. If someone is only able reach 20% raw foods in their diet, it is better than nothing.

On the other hand, I encourage everyone to strive for a diet of 100% raw foods. Most of us won't reach that goal. It has taken me many years of hard work to reach a 99% raw food diet. When I first started eating raw foods, I believed that 20% of our diet should be comprised of cooked foods, mostly starchy carbohydrates such as rice or potatoes. But after four years of eating that way, I eventually realized that chronic disease does not exist in the wild not because those animals who live disease free do so on a 100% raw food diet, not 80%.

There are others who promote less than a 100% raw food diet, but they do so in ignorance. Or perhaps they want to rationalize their inability to reach a 100% raw food diet. It is very difficult to achieve that goal, but that is no excuse for promoting anything less. It may appear to be a practical approach to encourage people to eat cooked foods, but that will only encourage and sustain their addiction to cook foods.

It is no different than offering an alcoholic a beer occasionally because you think they need it. Giving an alcoholic a drink is encouraging alcoholism in that person and suggesting anyone eat cooked foods is telling them to engage in an activity that prematurely ages us and leads to all disease. If you do suggest anyone eat cooked foods under any circumstances, then you are an enabler. People often will ask me which cooked foods are healthy and I answer that none of them are. And as to which raw foods are healthy, they all are, which is why I promote a 100% raw food diet and attempt to eat that way each and every day.

Dr. Young states that “spirulina and algae supplements . . . thrive in acid conditions and . . . are the scum you see growing on the surface of stagnant ponds and lakes.” While you may find algae mixed with scum growing on a pond, it is not scum itself and should not be confused with it. There are over 70,000 species of algae and most are quite nutritious. I quite often hear nutritionists and dietitians refer to algae as pond scum and it demonstrates a profound ignorance about some of the most powerful foods on Earth. They regurgitate this ignorance of the facts because that is what they are taught during their college years and they have never bothered to research it themselves. It does not take a lot of research to discover the truth about the miraculous health properties of certain species of algae. Dr. Young also states that algae are drawn from natural sources such as lakes.

All the Spirulina and Chlorella found on the market is grown in a controlled environment in ponds and not harvest in lakes such as Klamath Blue Green Algae, which is sold under various brand names. He also states that the vitamin B12 derived from algae is “made by bacteria that get into the algae via bird feathers and droppings. ” Spirulina and Chlorella naturally contain the entire vitamin B-Complex, including B-12.

The body will not easily assimilate vitamin B-12 when it is not consumed from a natural food that contains the entire vitamin B-Complex, such as Spirulina and Chlorella. Dr. Young also suggests that broccoli and algae are equally nutritious, which is an absurd notion. “Fortunately, a day's dose of algae differs little from a serving of organic broccoli, so you can reap the benefits without facing the risks.” A nutritional analysis of broccoli will show it to be a food that contains a very narrow range of enzymes and other organic chemical nutrients that are particular to that food. Nutritional analyses of either Spirulina or Chlorella reveal them to be the two most nutritional foods known. They contain the broadest array of nutrients and are the most nutritionally dense foods known.

They also happen to be the two most scientifically researched foods in human history. 4. Dr. Young also promotes the consumption of soy. Soy is rarely consumed raw unless it is sprouted. Nearly all soybeans are eaten after they are processed into tofu, textured protein or fermented into foods such as tempeh. Once you have cooked or processed any food, you have altered its natural chemical structure. Heat is a chemical reagent that radically alters anything it comes in contact with, including the foods we consume.

The energy footprint of soy is unlike any other food we commonly consume. All raw foods contain negatively spinning ions, which are advantageous to our health and in fact are an absolute necessity if we want to be healthy. However, soy contains positively spinning ions, which are counter productive to our health, as are all positively charged particles. There are plenty of other problems with soy and its negative effects on the body, such as it produces a lot of gas for many who consume it. Other digestive problems often disappear when soy is removed from their diet, including infants.

Processed soy products are rich in phytohemaglutinin (PHG), a glue-like substance that unbalances body chemistry, slows circulation and thickens the blood, numbing the immune and nervous systems. Enzyme inhibitors found in soy interfere with the action of trypsin, a digestive enzyme that breaks down protein. Soy also contains goitrogens, which suppress thyroid functions; phytic acid, which can block the absorption of essential minerals such as calcium, copper, magnesium, iron and zinc in the intestinal tract. The high amount of manganese found in soy-based infant formulas, 200 times that of breast milk, can cause brain damage in babies and a slowing of brain functions in children.

One study concluded that the last thing women should do to prevent breast cancer is to consume soy. Another study showed accelerated brain aging in those who regularly consumed soy. Women who are pregnant should avoid soy because of the risk of breast cancer. Soy has also been linked to pancreatic cancer. Soy can slow sexual performance because isoflavones interfere with estrogen function. In one major study, Asian men who ate tofu increased their chances of getting Alzheimer’s Disease. “Soy can be used as a transition food to move away from meat and other animal protein to plant protein, that of Spirulina and Chlorella. But once that bridge has been crossed, it must be burned and soy should be completely avoided.”

5. Lastly Dr. Young offers rather confusing advice regarding the most important component of human health, that of water. “Getting liberal amounts of alkaline water (having a pH between 9 and 11) neutralizes stored acid wastes and, if consumed every day in conjunction with a good diet, gently removes the acids from the body.” This is essentially true and I agree with Dr. Young, although I don’t recommend drinking water with a pH over 9.9 because it has become too caustic at that level. Ironically, Dr. Young promotes consuming purified water produced by distillation or reverse osmosis. He claims: “Distilled water comes closest to rain water, which, if our atmosphere wasn’t so polluted, would be the ideal source of water.” Distilled water is not anything like rain water. Rain water is full of oxygen and crystallizes into snow flakes unlike distilled water which has no crystalline structure.

Dr. Masaru Emoto, a Japanese researcher, first introduced the concept of micro-cluster water molecule clusters. Using Magnetic Resonance Analysis, he demonstrated that water which had been distilled, polluted or passed through the body after consumption had lost its structure or inner order. It has been changed beyond its natural structure the same way cooking foods changes the natural chemical structure of food.

The water found in plants is quite similar to distilled water in its purity. However, when we consume a plant such as a carrot, we do not only consume the water, but the whole plant as well, thus the water is buffered by the alkaline nature of minerals and enzymes of the plant. But to extract that water and consume it without neutralizing its purity and acidic nature, our body becomes the buffering agent and alkaline minerals are leached from it.

I have written extensively in both my books about the dangers of drinking purified water. “[purified] water – like rainwater—have more oxygen atoms or hydroxyl ions (OH-), and fewer hydrogen ions (H+). More hydrogen makes water acidic.” Purified water is acidic, yet Dr. Young prescribes drinking both purified and alkaline water. Ionized Water and purified water are the exact opposite from one another in every way.

Purified water is acid; Ionized Water is alkaline. Purified water leaves the body dehydrated; Ionized Water is extremely hydrating. Purified water leaches minerals from the body; Ionized Water provides minerals to the body. Purified water does not provide the body with oxygen; Ionized Water does. Purified water does not scavenge for free radicals; Ionized Water does. Purified water encourages oxidation of the body; Ionized Water reduces oxidation. On the other hand, Dr. Young seems to promote ionized water and even helps promote a water ionizer.

If Dr. Young wishes to be considered someone who promotes true health, he needs to re-examine some of the basic tenants of his ideas about health, particularly those I have outlined in this article.

The pH Miracle, Balance Your Diet, Reclaim Your Health, by Dr. Robert Young. Time Warner Book Group. 2000. Pg. 120.
Mercury In Your Fish, by Ken Cook, President of the Environmental Working Group.
The pH Miracle, Balance Your Diet, Reclaim Your Health, by Dr. Robert Young. Pgs. 117 – 118.
Ibid. Pgs. 86 – 87.
Ibid. Pg. 87.
Ibid. Pg. 87.
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The USDA trypsin inhibitor study. I. Background, objectives and procedural details Rackis, Joseph J. et al., Qualification of Plant Foods in Human Nutrition, vol. 35, 1985.
Heather Patisaul et al, Emory University in Atlanta, Georgia. 2003. Study done with rats produced blood levels of the isoflavones similar to those in women regularly taking the supplements.
White LR, Petrovich H, Ross GW, Masaki KH, Association of mid-life consumption of tofu with late life cognitive impairment and dementia: the Honolulu-Asia Aging Study. Fifth International Conference on Alzheimer's Disease, #487, 27 July 1996, Osaka, Japan. White LR, Petrovitch H, Ross GW, Masaki KH, Hardman J, Nelson J, Davis D, Markesbery W, Brain aging and midlife tofu consumption. J Am Coll Nutr 2000 Apr;19(2):242-55. ACHIEVING GREAT HEALTH. How Spirulina, Chlorella, Raw Foods and Ionized Water Can Make You Healthier than You Have Ever Imagined In 90 Days or Less, by Bob McCauley. Pg. 52 – 54.
The pH Miracle, Balance Your Diet, Reclaim Your Health, by Dr. Robert Young. Pgs. 92 – 95.
Ibid. Pg. 94.
Effects of alkaline ionized water on formation & maintenance of osseous tissues, by Rei Takahashi Zhenhua Zhang Yoshinori Itokawa (Kyoto University Graduate School of Medicine, Dept. of Pathology and Tumor Biology, Fukui Prefectural University).

Bob McCauley

Wednesday, August 02, 2006

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In order to create a national model for integrative care, we must be able to evaluate the effectiveness of the tools and approaches that we use at our clinic and retreats and to determine their wider application. Current grants allow us to assess the efficacy of various components of our wellness-plan format, to answer the question of how to best support patients in their wellness goals, to develop comprehensive strategies for chronic conditions such as depression and diabetes, and to look at the influence of spirituality in the progress of congestive heart failure and its possible application to other chronic diseases.
Live Blood Cell Analysis

Live Blood Cell Dark field Microspy Courses:

Microbes can and do revert to their primitive, symbiotic state

Luckily, these upgraded microbes can and do revert to their primitive, symbiotic state if the terrain becomes less toxic and regains its pH balance.

Enderlein developed special biological remedies to facilitate this “downgrading” process, whereby the harmful forms of the microbes revert back to their benign protein states. Instead of using antibiotics and other drugs with harmful side effects, Enderlein’s remedies (isopathics) stimulate the body’s immune system and promote self-healing.

This therapy, along with decreased intake of animal protein, supplementation with nutrient elements (such as minerals, unsaturated fatty acids, and vitamins, and the reintroduction of beneficial intestinal flora), helps bring back the internal milieu to its proper state. Having become reactive again, the patient is then in a much better state to receive energetic medications, such as homeopathic or naturopathic remedies.

The revolutionary aspects of Enderlein’s work

The revolutionary aspects of Enderlein’s work revealed that when the cellular terrain becomes more toxic and acidic, these symbionts upgrade to a higher pathogenic “valence” (larger in size) form that is able to infect blood cells and destroy surrounding tissue.

These changed forms continue to upgrade into increasingly pathogenic bacteria, fungi, and viruses, whose presence further contributes to the deterioration of the cellular terrain by making it even more toxic. Eventually this process leads to a paralysis of cellular metabolism, premature cellular aging, degeneration, and death.

One of the most fascinating theories to emerge from this work was that of Dr. Royal R. Rife who postulated that there are actually only about 10 different basic microbes, all the rest being “pleomorphic variations” caused by their changed cellular environments.

The common E. coli becomes the virulent BX bacterium that can be isolated from cancerous tumors. By making the cellular terrain even more toxic, antibiotics may not be killing the bacteria but causing them to change into deadlier forms, forms that are implicated in the development of cancer.

The Importance of Internal Milieu

Biological medicine’s treatment of internal milieu is based on the discoveries of Guenther Enderlein, a German microbiologist who spent almost 60 years studying the structures and pleomorphic processes of live blood. Enderlein confirmed many of the findings of Antoine Bechamp, a contemporary of Louis Pasteur who argued against Pasteur’s 1870 thesis that bacteria and other microbes only have one form (monomorphism).

In his experiments Bechamp showed that microbes could and do change form (pleomorphism). Enderlein’s work confirmed Bechamp’s findings and advanced several other key concepts that were included in his book, The Life Cycle of Bacteria (1925).

Aside from advancing the theory of pleomorphism, Enderlein showed that the cell is not the primary living unit in the body, but rather that there are virus-sized, protein-based microbes (the “protits” or “symbionts”) that live symbiotically within the body.

They reside in all the cells, in the body fluids, and between the cells (the “interstitial space”) and help facilitate growth and repair of cells. These symbionts are ancient structures that probably evolved along with all mammals, including man, millions of years ago.

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Advanced Body Cleansing Kit

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